Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Well "so much" seem like quite strong words ...
For one, i must admit that i have no idea how many barrels of wich flamable material is in game curently ... but i honestly doubt its more than, lets say 50 for example.

That dont sounds like so much to me ... especialy, once you remind yourself that ingame map is obviously not 1:1, since it would take Goblins to litteraly 5 minutes walking east to find Druids grove. laugh

And yes, i know that in Goblin camp there is room that is STUFFED with explosives ... but that have story-wise reason. wink

So ... that "certain encounter" you are talking about is? O_o
Bcs i can remember only Goblin leaders ... and maybe Cambion General (still dont remember his name) in tutorial ...
And in both cases you need to drag Barells from conciderable distance to use them in my opinion. o_O
50 is a lot. Having them in a specific spot on the map makes it so that the problem is fixed if only the 20 STR barbarian can carry one barrel, which would also make sense as to the size and weight of barrels full of something.

I'm not even gonna react to the rest, cus your really not making any sense. At least most people seem to agree and understand it, so it's all good.