Originally Posted by 1varangian
Throwing anyone should require you to Grapple them first. Athletics vs. Athletics/Acrobatics contest. Then throw if you win.

When you want to grab a creature or wrestle with it, you can use the Attack action to make a Special melee Attack, a grapple. If you’re able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, this Attack replaces one of them.

The target of your grapple must be no more than one size larger than you and must be within your reach. Using at least one free hand, you try to seize the target by making a grapple check instead of an Attack roll: a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use). If you succeed, you subject the target to the Grappled condition (see Conditions ). The condition specifies the things that end it, and you can release the target whenever you like (no action required).

Escaping a Grapple: A Grappled creature can use its action to Escape. To do so, it must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by your Strength (Athletics) check.

Moving a Grappled Creature: When you move, you can drag or carry the Grappled creature with you, but your speed is halved, unless the creature is two or more sizes smaller than you.


Exactly this. That you could just roll up and throw someone without a check of any kind is insane and broken. Its absurd. Maybe you can make an argument for an ally who wants to be thrown and that you have actual control over - otherwise this will get abused in multiplayer.

I 100% celebrated the removal of the ability to throw enemies around, it was a dumb, cheap mechanic that didn't have any place in 5e. Good riddance. Patch 5 has been the best patch I have seen so far as it put an end to these shenanigans and demonstrated a commitment by Larian to take tangible steps to creating an authentic D&D game.

This is one of those things that particularly annoyed me because people would do it in multiplayer and think they were being so clever.
