Originally Posted by Thrythlind
Originally Posted by Zyllos
Originally Posted by Wormerine
Answer D - UI overhaul or Reations overhaul.

Options mentioned by OP are fairly irrelevant to me - all offer content that I know will be coming, and I don't need to try those out before 1.0 drops. I would rather see things we already have get better, like we did in the recent patch.

Agree with Wormerine, mechanics and UI updates. Removal of High Ground gives Advantage and implementation of Cover. That is what I would like to see.

I don't mind High Ground, but I'd like to see it moved to an optional game setting.

Just an FYI, High Ground wouldn't be removed. It just doesn't give Advantage, which is a DnD 5E mechanic that is very specific and does something very specific. High Ground can still confer advantage (like +To-Hit/+AC/Dex).