I am not really sure exactly what your posts are really directed to, but I should mention that it's funny you bring up how BG3 can be played by someone that has played DOS2 as if it's supposed to be a positive thing. Because a few months ago, one of the biggest criticisms of BG3 was that having experience playing DOS2 would help you in BG3 more than actually knowing how to play DnD.

Maybe there's still some truth to it now, but at least Larian is trying to tone down the DOS2 influence in this game, for good reason. Honestly, all they have to do now is not pursue the 'all companions not in your active party at the end of act 1 die' sthick again. Because people never gave Larian enough shit for that, even less people have enough foresight to realize that it's an indirect reason why the original DOS2 Act 4 fell on its face so hard that the Definitive Edition was almost entirely dedicated to fixing it up (since so much of the impact of the various villain arcs being resolved in that chapter was largely tied to having specific party members with you), and any other developer pulling off something similar would have been plastered to the walls long ago.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 31/07/21 09:50 AM.