Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
I am not really sure exactly what your posts are really directed to, but I should mention that it's funny you bring up how BG3 can be played by someone that has played DOS2 as if it's supposed to be a positive thing. Because a few months ago, one of the biggest criticisms of BG3 was that having experience playing DOS2 would help you in BG3 more than actually knowing how to play DnD.
Same graphics and casually to DnD rules and not so strict by real Dnd rules. Well and actually that they have NOT and I do not believe there is even 1% chance Larian will include all subclasses to BG3 (though yes I do believe the will inlcude all base classes from PHB) that makes it easier actually for those who do not know Dnd if there are only 2 subclasess and 3 Cleric domains.

You should have seen Wolfheart video. He clearly said BG3 is easiest to get into from games BG3 , Solasta and Pathfinder 2 (I call it Pathfinder 2 since we already had a Patfhinder 1 game years ago).

Solasta has much more strict to Dnd rules and while it is true you can in settings disable much of the default setting I had not even checked out that before you told me that on forums. Solasta with all their freaking riddles to go forward in the main campaign or simple figure out how to continue and a major bug is not what I would call easy progress. Well add to that despite not playing it super much though figuring out some riddles have taking me long time I have had few times in Solasta when game crashes to desktop and I need to restart Solasta again.

Pathfinder 2 rules are more complicated then Dnd 5th edition. Dnd 4th edition was a mess though super complicated and the most unpopular version of DnD in history that removed lots of dice rolls that was brought back in DnD 5th edition. At same time DnD 5th edition was simplified made more easy from the unpopular DnD 4th edition rules.

Now could I easily create a character in Pathfinder 2? Absolutely I have played for years Dnd 3.5 but not Pathfinder. However to create an ELITE powergaming character that is super optimized and on top of that create a party that is ultra strong best among best that is not easy for me in Pathfinder 2. I am sure I could create a good lets say in power 8/10 party in Pathfinder 2. That said I am a proud powergamer (8/10 not good for me) and for me to create a 10/10 best of the best strong party in Pathfinder 2 that is not easy for me. When I say good I am not talking about roleplaying aspect no I am talking about how powerful party in combat and survival and better chances to win the game at highest difficulty level.

See the youtube video and learn thanks. The only thing annoying in BG3 is the Camera control that is akward.

By the way the fan Tuco. In that video Wolfhearth critices the fast travel system in Pathfinder 2 and says he does not really like it (though he does not say he hates it). Funny when he said I remembered one additional thing I disliked in Pathfinder 1 Kingmaker that I rate 6.5/10 and yes I have played it. Now I do believe Pathfinder 2 is better then Pathfinder 1. For example they have now better Camera system in Pathfinder 2. In addition those developers have now more experience.

Well and regarding Nevewinter MMO that I rate 7.5/10
+ You can play it totally for free. I did and still got the best mount available when I played. I have not payed a single euro for this.
+ Action combat worked well. You do not need super reactions if you are normal (no disrespect to handicapped people meant) you should be able to play this. It is not super fast paced that some other Action MMO:S might be.
+ Voluntary PvP in battlegrounds and scaled so if you win much you will meet harder opponents. If you loose much you will meet easier opponents.
If you do not like PvP you will never have to fight PvP. PvP is always voluntary.
+ Forgotten Realms DnD 4th edition
+ Challenging PvE Dungeons meant for a team of 5 players. However what is interesting you can try these with less big group. You think one Dungeon is sligthly to easy? Try it then with group of 4 players instead of 5 players.
+ Community created PvE adventures instances one can play them also. Players can create adventures if they want for other players to play.
+ True multiplayer and your are not restricted to play with a friend group of maximum 4 players. This is a MMO. Both PvE And PVP is cooperative. It is team vs team in PvP. PvP has also bigger battlegrounds 20 players vs 20 players and so on.
Neutral: Mediocre graphics.
- TIME SINK. I am not motivated more to play 40+ hours /week a game.
- Pay to win either you pay money to get more powerful or play extremely much this game to keep up. Microtransactiona are absolutely not some silly cosmetic only and you can literally buy to become more powerful.
- In order to become more powerful there is also GRIND of doing certain quests areas and so on. This part feels often to me more like grind then fun. I am not meaning exp no you can get certain rewards like boons and talents.
- Eventually I got bored on it like in WOW MMO.
My vote 7.5/10
and those developers first MMO;s were not good. The first major succes when they had more experience was the Neverwinter MMO that was a huge success. This also since it supports PC and the XBOX and Playstation.

The point being yes I believe Pathfinder 2 is better game then Pathfinder 1 Kingmaker. Now that they fixed the camera control to better in Pathfinder 2 perhaps I will like it much more. I am not anti Pathfinder 2.

Last edited by Terminator2020; 31/07/21 02:39 PM.