Yeah, uh, WotR beta 3 has been kind of unstable. I was pretty confident in a relatively stable release before, but now, I'd say give it a couple weeks if you can afford to wait. Probably still going to be more stable than Kingmaker launch overall. What an interesting and simultaneously miserable experience that was.

Originally Posted by Terminator2020

I watched the video long ago, and you are preaching to someone who has extensively played all three games at this point. Ease of understanding is irrelevant to me, and to most people on these forums, because most people here are already assumed to be experienced cRPG players who would much rather be focused on other things such as the writing and gameplay mechanics. I got into Kingmaker knowing little about DnD and Pathfinder long ago, and managed alright, and essentially implying that people are incapable of understanding new things as if it's some difficult unsurmountable task is a pretty pessimistic view of the gaming community as a whole. Especially when cRPGs are generally about discovering new things at the genre's core. You are also forgetting that what is considered accessible varies from person to person, unless we are suddenly acting as if all the people who bounced off of DOS2 towards the start due to the game not really explaining anything at all never existed.

Legitimately good writing is hard to pull off, and WotR has delivered for me in that regard in some rather unique ways, while it's too soon to see where BG3 will go with that and something no one can properly gauge until we are finally able to progress beyond act 1. That said, Solasta fails on that front, but the game was never trying to pass itself off as being great that department either. The same way that I don't really play WotR primarily for its combat, even if the actual character building can be damn fun because the stuff you can build for in that game straight up don't exist in other cRPGs.

But where would BG3 fall into either category? I don't know yet. I have been enjoying BG3 with the latest patch and can find little to complain about that likely won't be addressed in future patches, but I don't think BG3's companion writing and cast of characters is close to touching WotR, nor does the combat really match Solasta due to currently lacking crucial mechanics - though there are signs that the latter is going to be addressed soon. At the moment, it's really just production values that makes BG3 competitive, and I guess people who really like the current style over depth kind of writing and characterization that BG3's companions currently give off with the limited scope that we are allowed to see IMO. But it isn't necessarily bad either, being simply 'good' in both categories is still rather great, especially for those who never plan on playing the other two games for whatever reason. But for those who want to play all three, of course there's always going to be a feeling that something is off with a game that takes a middle of the road approach and doesn't particularly excel at what the other two excel the most at. Even if a better way of understanding it would be that while BG3's high points won't match the other two games at their best, the lowest likely won't touch the worst of those games either.

That said, there has always been an understanding that BG3 will be much more accessible due to a combination of AAA-level production value, brand power, and simpler mechanics. It will probably sell more than both Solasta and WotR combined for those reasons alone regardless of any other factors, and you're really the only person here arguing about it as if it's supposed to be a new revelation.

And I'm not going to even bother entertaining the rest of the bulk of your post, which amounts to little more than going after one specific poster and accusing them being a fanboy for being excited for another cRPG (when they've only replied to you once on the previous page, while you've basically directed three posts and counting at them in response).

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 31/07/21 10:35 PM.