And the most important thing for all games developed in future.
ALLWAYS have two UIs for the M/K users and one for the Controller Guys to chose from in the options menu.
The mix and usability of one UI which works with both is allways a bad compromise.
It reduces M/K users to use UI like Controllerguys have to use and think in that way how to manipulate and manage items.

Its a shitty way of making an interface.
It does not respect the choice we do make when wanting to play M/K and have all the usability for that.
A UI working for both and have allways the best usability included for both has yet to be invented/developed.
All that clicking and one item per time usage is coming from controller usage.
Its really no good and slow and cumbersome and everything else i hate about controller User interfaces.

Its not about what kind of Hardweare i chose from options menu, its the whole interface which needs to be prepped for that choice i do make.
A fully usable M/K UI for M/K users. and Controller with their optimized UI for their Controllers.
A mix of both as allready said is a weird slow compromise.
NO good.

Last edited by TheHero; 01/08/21 09:46 AM.