Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Originally Posted by Boblawblah
It's funny, i wonder if the character of Ellen Ripley (from the movie series 'Alien' to anyone who doesn't know) was written in modern times would people think she's a "woke" character meant to subvert norms? I think you do a disservice to strong female characters to automatically assume they're supposed to represent the fight against the patriarchy. Maybe they are, i don't know, but to me they just seemed like strong, slightly abrasive characters. I didn't even particularly like either one of them.

Ellen Ripley goes so far beyond anything like that she makes woke seem as superficial as it actually is.

-She was written as a man.
-She saves male characters from being raped
-She is choregraphed during the final fight seen (which uses pornographic lighting and imagery) as penetrating the alien with a phallus.

All of this is intentional. Nobody has taken subversion to this extreme since that movie. Its one of the reasons Alien is explored in Film Classes.

This is what happens when you take something and create Art for the sake of Art and not worry about metrics.

Ripley was written as her last name and that's that. But yeah, the assumed gender was male in the script. At the time, the actress (Sigourney Weaver) who played her was really excited about a character who was not defined by gender but by their humanity and agency first and foremost.

And yes, the cinematography of Alien did present Ripley as a male character, avoiding camera moves that would visually feminize her (one example, she was often portrayed having one side of her face in the shadows and the other illuminated, which a visual clue for deep contemplation and was previously rarely afforded for female movie characters).

I do think a lot of male creators should do this, assign gender as the last thing they do, maybe then we could leave behind this "strong female character" bullshit, the notion that writing a woman with any agency must have some sinister underlying purpose to it.

Originally Posted by Terminator2020
This goes miles offtopic. I am a true ANTI FEMINIST to the core.

I dont think Ripley comes off as special feminist or shit woke movies Alien 1 or Alien 2 movies.
I have nothing against strong women IF they deserve it example my countrys best Karate Women a Champion that is the only FINN that has managed to get GOLD in Karate Premierleague (you can compare that to get gold in football Champions League). She also fight among BIG women heavy weight no maximum weight Karate Women!

Ripley is strong willed and brave yes to a reasonable amount. She uses modern weapons or equipment to defeat Aliens.
In Alien one she is hiding in the Escape ship and starts panting sexually sounds when in fear noticing there is the Alien in her escape ship and one can she her bare hips and legs when she is only underwear. While not a model far from it found her attractive in that scene.
Feminists hate truly any kind of adult content and would have never approved that scene with Ripley.

Alien 1 and Alien 2 are both great movies and as ANTI feminist I have nothing against them. I have nothing against Lazael as strong woman Fighter in BG3.

I cannot tell if you are joking or you are seriously this misogynistic...

Last edited by spacehamster95; 02/08/21 04:48 PM.