Howdy all! Now that we've had time to digest Patch 5, I am curious what everyone wants to see for Patch 6.
So post your hopes and dreams for the next patch (changes, new content, etc.).

Here's my wishlist:
  • I would love to see advantage from high ground be replaced with "Combat Advantage" from 4e (a +2 to hit).
  • I want disadvantage from low ground removed and for a Dodge action and free-action Prone to be added to the game.
  • I would like to see a better GUI for inventory and trading. (I love the changes we got in Patch 5, so I'm sure Larian will have more for Patch 6).
  • True Reactions and better implementation of 5e's ruleset. (Patch 5 and PfH3 have me pumped to see what's coming for reactions in the future).
  • New robes for Tav and friends. (Especially something new for Wizards to wear, give us cool hats).
  • Sorcerer or Paladin.
  • Playable character Karlach.

(Please respect each others' wishlists smile )