Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Gatekeeping aside. The original games had multiplayer and you could attack your fellow party members and engage in other harmful actions.

So again - according to you the original Baldur's Gate games were not Baldur's Gate games.
? There so no gatekeeping here. I just don't enjoy "LOL" multiplayer games. Or most multiplayer games in general. Am I not permitted to say that?

And there is difference in a game having things I don't enjoy in it, and game revolving around things I don't enjoy in it. Indeed BGs allowed for multipler. I tried it once, and found it it didn't make for a good experience and never tried it again. Same with Arcanum. More importantly, playing singleplayer coop's existance never affected my enjoyment of the game. On the other hand Larian's more robust coop support spills to areas that affect my enjoyment of the game - companions having to double dip as "companions" and playable origins, affect how well they can fulfill a role of the companion, lack of ease of use features, which I assume are a result of a need to treat characters as individual's rather then a party, overall quest design, poorly fleshed out custom character, and campaign not tailored for a main PC.

Those things aren't bad in themselves, I had ok time in coop in D:OS1&2 and I am fine in accepting those games are not made for me - same as it was with NWN1.

But as you brought up again Baldur's Gate not being Baldur's Gate. Yeah, this sacrifice of good singleplayer experience for the sake of coop is one of those things that makes BG3 unlike Baldur's Gate1&2. BG1&2 had coop, true enough, and there are people who enjoyed it in coop, but it is not what the games are rememebered for, that wasn't their legacy. Baldur's Gate's achievement was morphing multiplayer Table-top system, into compelling singleplayer format. And before you throw: "It's your subjective opinion" google a review of the game, and see what the game is praised for. I googled some and multiplayer either isn't talked about at all, or is just briefly mentioned. I wonder why....