Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Gatekeeping aside. The original games had multiplayer and you could attack your fellow party members and engage in other harmful actions.

So again - according to you the original Baldur's Gate games were not Baldur's Gate games.
? There so no gatekeeping here. I just don't enjoy "LOL" multiplayer games. Or most multiplayer games in general. Am I not permitted to say that?


"It's your subjective opinion" google a review of the game, and see what the game is praised for. I googled some and multiplayer either isn't talked about at all, or is just briefly mentioned. I wonder why....

Sure, you are entitled to your opinion. I was simply correcting your mistake when you declared that the Original games didn't include multiplayer and harmful actions towards your own party as an experience.

and at the time Multiplayer in general wasn't very popular and didn't really take off until WoW. That doesn't mean you get to gatekeep the experiences of those who did enjoy that aspect of the game by saying that they don't count as authentic Baldur's Gate experiences.

Although I think if Bioware had access to the Divinity Engine in 1998 they would have tossed the Infinity Engine.
