Joined: Jan 2021
Howdy all! Now that we've had time to digest Patch 5, I am curious what everyone wants to see for Patch 6. So post your hopes and dreams for the next patch (changes, new content, etc.). Here's my wishlist: - I would love to see advantage from high ground be replaced with "Combat Advantage" from 4e (a +2 to hit).
- I want disadvantage from low ground removed and for a Dodge action and free-action Prone to be added to the game.
- I would like to see a better GUI for inventory and trading. (I love the changes we got in Patch 5, so I'm sure Larian will have more for Patch 6).
- True Reactions and better implementation of 5e's ruleset. (Patch 5 and PfH3 have me pumped to see what's coming for reactions in the future).
- New robes for Tav and friends. (Especially something new for Wizards to wear, give us cool hats).
- Sorcerer or Paladin.
- Playable character Karlach.
(Please respect each others' wishlists  )
Joined: Jul 2021
I want a Grab action, and some way to Shove Prone or Trip.
Joined: Jul 2021
In the same spirit as losing advantage from height (or maybe modifying it somehow?), would be nice for hide to become an action instead of a bonus action (except for rogues with cunning action :)).
One thing that I really don't consider that important but think would make a massive difference on how the game "feels" would be more fluid jump animations - right now characters don't feel all that graceful when they jump ^^'. Maybe something as simple as toning down the "THONK" sound of jumps a smidge and making the animation a tiny bit quicker (like shaving off a quarter of a second when initiating and ending the jump) ?
Apart from that, I say surprise me. I thought every patch so far was great and ripe with new content for playthroughs, so I trust next patch will be great also.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. Maybe a few bug fixes ? (the most annoying right now are broken ladders and path finding for characters who don't follow) ?
EDIT: One more: make pickpocketing an active diceroll like lockpicking.
Last edited by sheffie01; 03/08/21 03:33 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Here’s what I would like to see: - Halsin made a companion!
- PC the default person npcs talk to when dialogue starts automatically (instead of companions)
- Speak with Animals not cost a spell slot
- Armor transmog
- Fast travel to main camp always an option on the fast travel list
- All players able to participate in conversations in multiplayer
Last edited by Icelyn; 03/08/21 03:29 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Getting late so these are the ones I can come up with off the top of my head: - Cinematics fixed up
- click to move dialog dialed back (even more than what it is set for second option)
- remove the send to camp option
- hide-able minimap
- more crafting
- more weapon types
- more lore books
- rideable donkeys
- remove fast travel anywhere and require you to be at a portal to use them
- a unlockable lore section that gives you info on subjects you run into on your adventure (plants, creatures, religion, enviromental features, ect)
- reduce strength requirements on throwing halflings
- PC the default person npcs talk to when dialogue starts automatically (instead of companions)
- All players able to participate in conversations in multiplayer
+1 to these, truthfully, I'd like to see more interactions with companions during dialog single or multi.
Last edited by fallenj; 03/08/21 04:57 AM.
Joined: Jul 2021
- Fidelity FX - 1 or 2 new class - a lot of Bug fixs - remove advantage and disadvantage height system. - add more spells - 1 or 2 new subclass - remove the barrelmancy - 1 new race - new talents - crafting - remove the fast travel and portals - increase the weight of environment objects - mounts - new companion - AI improve - consequences of using the power of mindflayers
Joined: Aug 2021
Joined: Oct 2020
-Fix "Vulkan - Device Lost" crash -one new class (surprise us :)) -one new race (again no specific wishes) -some new customization options -remove disadvantage for low ground, let us test it, at least for one patch -remove "send to camp", give camp a fast travel point, improve camp storage interface -include camp storage in camp supply for resting -hide as a full action for everybody, only rogues get is as bonus action as per their class feature -when playing singleplayer make PC the default char for "forced" dialogue -more integration of companions in dialogues -adjust times for saving throws against spells etc., some are rolled at the beginning of the enemy turn when they should be at the end, makes some spells almost useless -further work on reaction system (more player agency), be it via conditions we can set up or by "slo-mo pop up timed thingy"
-i would encourage larian to allow level 5 at some later point during ea, it is the most noticeable jump in power in 5e (i think) and i would argue that it would be immensly helpful to test this during ea
Joined: Oct 2020
Gnomes ... Just gnomes, and litteraly nothing else. Not even any fix, just Gnomes. NO particular reason except i would be able to say Blackheifer that its his fault. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Aug 2021
- Add some optional direction indicator to the main interface, to make it easier to align camera direction with the map and minimap. Not really any reason not to. - Make camera height less sticky, particularly during targeting. Imps with flying jump as a free action really illustrate this issue. You can change verticality fine, if you can find some higher point to jump to, but how do you get the camera to show them? - Do something to make combat faster. A lot of people are suggesting less advantage in combat, meaning a lot more misses. This slows combat down big time. IMO, that is entirely the wrong direction. - Formation for the party. Ungrouping and manually positioning works, but it is a chore to do this in every combat. - QoL for inventory management. I cannot be the only a bit frustrated by all the double clicking and dragging stuff one item at a time. Getting stuff into and out of containers is also not super smooth. If I drop an item on top of a container, I probably don't want to swap the item for the container. - Bug fixes - Bug fixes - Bug fixes - Probably some new content.
Joined: Oct 2020
Being more faithful to actual 5e rules
Joined: Jul 2020
- More subraces for tieflings, this time related to Demon Lords and Abyss (Demogorgon Tiefling, Graz'zt Tiefling, Orcus Tiefling e.t.c).
- The team increased from four to six members.
- One or two new classes.
- A new race (I dream about cambions, it would be great to play a literally half-demon or half-devil).
- The possibility of choosing a patron for ALL classes and a really abundant choice of deities (Lathander and other Faerûn gods, but also the gods of the Egyptian, Nordic, as well as the Demon Lords and Archdevils.
Joined: Sep 2020
- An improved reaction system. Maybe a hybrid system where you toggle which reactions will: automatically occur if conditions are met, appear in pop-up window prompts, or never happen. - Knocking out enemies should actually be useful. At the very least allow an intimidate/persuasion check to convince knocked out enemies to not resume hostility upon waking up. Bonus points if we can interrogate important NPCs. - Toggle Sneak Attack so, if we miss on the first attack, we can use it for the second. And on opportunity attacks. - Less single enemy actions that cause multiple concentration checks
Joined: Oct 2020
- Toggle Sneak Attack so, if we miss on the first attack, we can use it for the second. And on opportunity attacks. Now when you mentioned it like this ... How about (and dont stone me please) Rogues get some "sneak attack" resouce, simmilar (actualy, exactly the same ... except it would need to restore every turn) to Supperior dices ... consumed when used, not consumed if you miss ... And curent Sneak attack will simply consume this resouce to deal additional damage ... and off hand attack will also consume it for additional damage (if possible ofc.) ... and AoO will also consume it, you get the idea. I mean, it dont exactly needs to be visible ... but i would not mind it at all. O_o It seems like almost Ctrl+C Ctrl+V thing to implement. O_o
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 03/08/21 07:29 PM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
I've been carrying around a bigger and bigger pile of herbs hoping for an alchemy system to use them with at some point.
I unabashedly love complex alchemy systems in RPGs, but I'll take anything.
Joined: Sep 2020
I've been carrying around a bigger and bigger pile of herbs hoping for an alchemy system to use them with at some point.
I unabashedly love complex alchemy systems in RPGs, but I'll take anything. I'm sure something like that is shaping already. Go to Nettie's room read the book near her cauldron and then try to do the written thing, you'll have a nice surprise.
Joined: Oct 2020
Oh, I've figured that out, but I'm afraid that will just be idiot prize for people who can't (or won't) make nice with Nettie and need to cure themselves of...the cure.
I think they must have something in mind, why else give us all these herbs to pick up?
Joined: Aug 2021
Also removing all tieflings and references to them from the game. 
Joined: Feb 2021
I want to be able to use objects for setting up or implementing traps/ambushes such as:
1. I want to be able to throw torches, you know at spilled flammables on the ground etc.. 2. I want to be able to pour acid/poison gas down the goblin holes at goblin camp to damage them if they use them. Or any other creatures hole that they might use (thinking future acts that might use such). 3. I want to be able to set up traps that have a duration on the effects (flames, gas, etc.. ). We have tons of traps we as players have to deal with (Hag fight for instance), why can't we create our own if we can pre stage an area for it?
These are all tactical choices I would like to be able to implement in the game. It would allow a player some creative choices rather than direct hack and slash, or snipe from afar, without the overpowered issues "barrelmancy" caused.
Joined: May 2021
My wishlist:
Sorcerer class added. More races. Spells allocated to correct classes. A dice roll that does not take a stupidly long amount of time to show me basic math.