Originally Posted by Sunglare
Originally Posted by TheHero
In the last couple of years the news media and social media channels has been strongly acting agains tropes, work conditions, harrassments, gender discriminations on working place etc etc.

What happeneds then is that most people are going passionate about it. The social media channels going hot and debates are all over the place.
Nobody wants people to get hurt by such horrible conditions, behavior etc you name it.
For a Game in such times it can be devastating at release when people changed but the games content didnt reflect the change humanity to the better.
A game wont sell itself good an often enough to honor the work beeing put into it.
So with no further writing, i do link this article and you read yourself:

D&D’s Drizzt books were built...tore wants to change that. - Polygon.com

In my best hope, i suggest that all text in BG3 will be changed to reflect our humankinds best behavior.
Even when we are talking about games and play games, i am sure we can avoid having such discussions which end in a way that BG3 will be missunderstood and gets the worst rankings as a game,
because of said problems we face in reality and are currently all over the place in the newsmedia.
Recall the latest media fuzz babout UBIsoft, CDPR and now Activision Blizzards problems.
Then of course this article about Drizzt and Drow...

I would be very disspointed if BG3 wont be a success because the Dialogs, Cutscenes and Text have not been rechecked again.
Just to avoid a backlash on tropes and games again and the gaming community suffers again and Larian wont have success with BG3

We can do better ...
All wars are started with words.
So change words for peace and success of BG3.

Leave, people like you are what is what with fiction these days. Leave our gaming, movies, and comics industires. You aren't welcomed. We tried to be a tolerant bunch and let anybody in that was interested but people like you started showing up and demanding what can and can't be in fiction. The evil races of fiction have nothing to do with your current day real world politics. Get out. Not even asking nicely. We should have been gatekeepers from the beginning and not let you in.

In my Defense, I can only say that i assume i really am a Fantasy / scifi Fan for at least my 10 Birthday which is almost 4 decades ago. Probably read more Books and watched so many Movies and Series then you... its allmost a shame that so much time went int this Hobby.
But the Debate about Racist tropes is valid and important. Its not about my personal agenda vs Evil or how soemthing should allways be like i want.
Its what the Author Salvatore wrote and that he himself learned to make change. You need to read the Article to understand. If you disagree with me having same opinion as Mr. Salvatore then so be it.

So with all due respect and dont get me wrong.
But i beg ye, dont start trolling and misleading other people to follow your wishes of me leaving and never return.
That is more near the area of Racist Tropes then accepting that its possible to write storys without making people use Racism as a way to excuse themselves for wearing a blinder as horses do.
Because it is more easy behavior.

I want Baldurs Gate 3 to succeed and not fall into the trap of having Dialog which can break the games neck by having bad critics two years later,
when most people changed their narrative and use of terms for the better to not hurt people by using tropes etc..
But BG3 stayed maybe in the same old slur for some reason, or just nobody suspected that the times change and its no more appropiate to write this or that.

As you can follow in the Newsmedia in the last years, there is a lot of talk about racism, workplace conditions, Salarys, equality, Genderering etc.
This is in the past year especially happening around the vicinity of Publisher Houses and Developers. AS allready said.
At the actual moment we can follow Activision Blizzards Problem, which might bring Blizzard down forever.
So many people are dissapointed, myself too because i played a lot of time with their games. I love them. And here we are we realize they are grounded on inequality and all kinds of misconduct.

People go Protest and that directly hurts the Product most of the time.
People can lose their job in ther aftermath of this mediaspectacle.

I dont want that for Baldurs Gate3 and Larian Studio.
So if you can prevent this then accept what kind of arguments and experience Mr. Salvatore made with his own Books and will adapt his writing in future books.
He grows and you can too!

Last edited by TheHero; 04/08/21 01:29 PM.