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- [Inventory] A click & drop system which works without several trials
- [Inventory] No auto-filtering when opening a container like a backpack
- [Inventory] Items multi-selection
- [Inventory] No exchange of items between characters if they are too far or worst, in a different zone
- [Inventory] Send to camp option should send items to chest only when you reach the camp (for more realism)
- [Camp] Undead priest should not be a merchant (because undead like him does not care about buying tomatoes, cooking pot, tools, weapons, etc). It can however continue to sell ressurection scroll through dialog.
- [Crafting] Food and/or potion crafting
- [Crafting] A better usage of current useless objects found in the map
- [Armors] Different design of armors. Especially, specific priest chainmail (one per law or neutral alignment god or goddess)
- [Quests] The two quests I have suggested implemented wink
- [Mechanic] Sneak attack from patch 5 is weird and should be improved. The system in DOS2 was pretty good for this.
- [Character creation] Possibility to create his own party of 4 characters in single player mode without using the multiplayer trick which does not work anymore anyway.
- [Merchant] Speaker should be able to sell items flaggued as To be sold from every characters connected to him/her directly.
- [Merchant] Option to set flag "To be sold" to an item should be available from Transation UI
- [Mechanic] If i choose option Hide for character 1, all connected characters should also hide
- [Bug] Ladders should work

As long terms wishes :

- [Camp] Simple camp on map (or camp 3.0)
- [Inventory] Realistic inventory
Inventory management for BG3 (like Divinity) is for me not realistic at all. An adventurer will not explore a creepy cave with 6 armors, 12 weapons and vegetables for one month into a single backpack...

It should include :
- Limited number of slots (also for containers)
- Items should have a size like in NWN1 (Exemple : a citrus takes one slot, an armor 4x8 slots)
- Carriers like mules or Floating Disk
- taking an object from backpack is costing one action point. Backpack is spawned near the player.
- Objects in quick access bar should be on Easy Access Slots (EAS)
- Dedicated use containers

- [Race] Playing humanoid beastman (like minotaur, lizard, wolf, feline, etc...) even if I am not sure this part of D&D
- [Mode] Survival mode with management of thirst, tiredness,
- [Ambiance] A day simulator to change the luminosity as the day passes. Same for the night.
- [Ambiance] A random weather system
- [Character creation] Possibility to start at the very beginning with up to three characters generated on the fly (including simple villagers like farmer, fishman,etc). These characters should have some objectives based on their story which can be discovered by dialogs.
- [Skill] Medecine should allow to help to gain some PV with a roll dice. One try per day only

Last edited by Starblaireau; 08/08/21 08:58 AM.

Dans le doute, frappe ...
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AN UI Rework
I have recently finished a Solastra playthrough and returned to BG 3 after Patch 5. It's just my personal taste, I really don't like the asthetical aspects of Solastra's UI but from the functionally point of view I find it really pleasant to handle when compared to BG 3's UI.

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Id prefer mostly quality of life updates related to inventory management.

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Signing on to all of these.

Still playing Patch 5. Some improvements! Some signs that Larian is listening!

Party management is still painful. The group / ungroup key is better but this thing still needs an overhaul.

Originally Posted by DragonSnooz
Howdy all! Now that we've had time to digest Patch 5, I am curious what everyone wants to see for Patch 6.
So post your hopes and dreams for the next patch (changes, new content, etc.).

Here's my wishlist:
  • I would love to see advantage from high ground be replaced with "Combat Advantage" from 4e (a +2 to hit).
  • I want disadvantage from low ground removed and for a Dodge action and free-action Prone to be added to the game.
  • I would like to see a better GUI for inventory and trading. (I love the changes we got in Patch 5, so I'm sure Larian will have more for Patch 6).
  • True Reactions and better implementation of 5e's ruleset. (Patch 5 and PfH3 have me pumped to see what's coming for reactions in the future).
  • New robes for Tav and friends. (Especially something new for Wizards to wear, give us cool hats).
  • Sorcerer or Paladin.
  • Playable character Karlach.

(Please respect each others' wishlists smile )

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More companions especially female ones.

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Originally Posted by Magicalus
  • More subraces for tieflings, this time related to Demon Lords and Abyss (Demogorgon Tiefling, Graz'zt Tiefling, Orcus Tiefling e.t.c).
  • The team increased from four to six members.
  • One or two new classes.
  • A new race (I dream about cambions, it would be great to play a literally half-demon or half-devil).
  • The possibility of choosing a patron for ALL classes and a really abundant choice of deities (Lathander and other Faerûn gods, but also the gods of the Egyptian, Nordic, as well as the Demon Lords and Archdevils.
  • Oh, and adding a separate last name field to the character creator (which you can leave blank if you want). If you fill them in, most unfamiliar NPC's will refer to us as Mr./Ms. Such-And-Such. Name can be used by party members after joining to us, or by NPCs who have a more "friendly" attitude towards other people.

Last edited by Magicalus; 05/08/21 10:01 PM.
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This one is probably pretty far in the future.

After completion of the entire game you unlock "newgame+".
Whenever you enter that, you get acess to new things for restarting the whole campaign/main story.
Things which might not make sense the first time around.

Goofy stuff - but for fun.
Playing as a monster race for example like a

° Harpy, more Underdark races, a Lich, a Devil or Demon

Stuff like that.

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Originally Posted by Magicalus
  • Oh, and adding a separate last name field to the character creator (which you can leave blank if you want). If you fill them in, most unfamiliar NPC's will refer to us as Mr./Ms. Such-And-Such. Name can be used by party members after joining to us, or by NPCs who have a more "friendly" attitude towards other people.
The only way i can imagine this would be list of prepared last names for each race ... and that would mean to record every sentence where is that name used with every last name separately (since when you just cut the sentence, insert the word, and cut it again ... it never feels naturaly. :-/ )
Kinda too much effort (and especialy money) for so little gain. O_o

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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- Identify Spell
- Either a new class (any of the remaining 5) or race (dragonborn, gnome, half-orc, or variant human)
- Inventory Management; send to camp kitchen for food, send to camp library for lore books, a key ring, and everything else goes to your traveler's chest
- Allow an inspiration point to be used to gain advantage (not a re-roll) on an ability check (unlimited), attack roll (once per long rest), or saving throw (once per long rest)
- Gameplay Options: let us turn on/off height advantage and weapon specific actions (cleave, pin down, & topple)
- Remove the wizard class ability to learn every spell to the spellbook
- Point & Click system default is occasional

Last edited by Apollyon; 06/08/21 02:56 PM.
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No more toilet chain would be great.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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Paladin class so Karlach can be a playable companion, and them to fix her model so it looks right.

This was a datamined image of her I found:


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There are still doubts about Karlach being actually a barbarian and being flagged as a paladin just as placeholder, for the record.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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Originally Posted by Tuco
There are still doubts about Karlach being actually a barbarian and being flagged as a paladin just as placeholder, for the record.

After digging into her story further, she REALLY seems like a Paladin with the Oath of Vengeance, but I know what you mean. My main point is that I like Karlach and want her to be a party member in EA. Besides, I like the Paladin and Barbarian classes, so I'm good with either.

On top of that, Karlach's story doesn't make a ton of sense currently. I want them to really flesh it out more. Timeline-wise, how does everything fit at the toll house? Goblins came and butchered people days upon days ago. Then what? Crash occurred. Karlach ran for it towards Baldur's Gate? What, did she go into the shadow cursed lands? Was she then jumped by Anders and his crew? Then she fled back to the tollhouse where they cornered her? As they were fighting her, the caravan showed up with Rugan and Olly? Then the Gnolls ambushed them and caved in the pass. Was that what helped Karlach escape? Then who butchered all the people around the toll house? Looked to me more like there was a sick butchery going on there. There were skeletons, not corpses, and many were skinned alive and chopped to pieces. Blood looked pretty fresh for a lot of those body parts. If the Gnolls showed up after Anders and his crew, then it wasn't the Gnolls who killed those other people, but those bodies looked more fresh. But the guy in the cellar died a long time before that, and the guards abandoned him. So if Karlach killed a bunch of Anders' folks, why were they cut to pieces and skinned?

A lot of it just doesn't make sense. Another thing that doesn't is Karlach's comment about returning home to Baldur's Gate, but she'd been in the Hells fighting the Blood War for Zariel for who knows how long. She also had a bone to pick with the rest of the Cultists of Zariel there in Baldur's Gate. Ah! The whole thing just doesn't fully make sense. I want more of her story and a bit of a timeline of sorts... and Karlach to actually look like she's supposed to.

But anyway, this is all aside from the other stuff I'd like to see in Patch 6 including the tweaks we've discussed on other posts: Monsters being more 5e-like with true stats and not weird quasi-5e monsters, etc.

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In order of preference:

Act 2

Better stacking, especially herbs

Crafting, especially meals, potions etc, but also arrows, missiles, darts, weapons and armour, (enchanted and alchemical added over time)

Fix "Can't reach"

Option to save Gribbo and have her follow Volo to your camp

Option to hire Zhent traders in goblin camp to join your camp

Cooking animation for camp would be cool (e.g. if you add carrots, spuds and pork, with rum it goes "into my pot"
Ditto for crafting
But with option to disable this 'cos not everyone will like it

More voices

More classes

Gnomes and maybe other races such as half-orc.

Did I mention stacking?

Sorting items that are obviously wrong (e.g. gems that can weigh 1 lb and be worth 1g or the can weight 0.01 lb and be worth 200g)

More barrels, definitely more barrels! laugh (Kidding, but maybe make barrels realistic:
e.g.: You can't fit one in a backpack, can't "sent to camp"
Carrying one is max encumbrance ('cos unwieldy - it's a BIG heavy barrel, not a bag of carrots.)
NPCs that aren't dumb enough to stand next to the wagonload of gunpowder you laid in a circle.
NPCS that react if you drop one next to them - but you should be able to line a few up on a cliff or rise and shove on on them (initiating battle). If you want to have another 10 barrels ready to drop on them, fine, but they also get to fire at that tempting target and if they get initiative...

Maybe make food rot (but maybe also a use/recipe for rotten food, such as poison or disease)

Make lockpicks and trap kits lighter and more resilience, with poor, medium and high quality versions
A rogue doesn't need to carry 30lb of spare picks, he's a burglar, not a weightlifter.
e.g. iron picks chance to break vs basic iron lock, vs steel lock vs big heavy lock
e.g. steel picks chance to break...
e.g. mithril picks chance to break...

If you've even seen keys to medieval chests and castle doors, they are massive, a bobby pin just isn't gonna cut it.

Add oil to improve the rolls, just like real life. Maybe limited to rusted locks. Use oil, disarm, pick lock...

The camp does seem to get better with time. I would very much like to see this extended with progress, so, kitchen area, alchemy, forge, tents replaced with buildings.
Hire carpenter, hire stone mason, grateful NPC upgrades your camp as a reward sort of thing. Doesn't need to be basically complex or involved, repurpose stuff from the temple fort or blighted village. Clear out the blight village, make that your base camp. Lots of options.
Better than portal to Underdark, sell stuff; portal to blighted village, craft sword; portal to druids, buy food and supplies; portal to camp...

As other have mentioned, just 'cos you can carry 200lb of barrels, plate armour and spuds doesn't mean it will all speak into a backpack

Going forward:
One-size-fits all...
I understand it, really I do, but the halfling taking the chainmail vest off the hill giant and - it fits perfectly... That sort of thing could be done better, perhaps

Last edited by Ackadia; 06/08/21 07:56 PM.
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A better dialogue system for multiplayer so that everyone playing can actually be relevant in a conversation (see SWTOR) instead of 3 people just be passive observers with no agency.

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Further improvements to tactical combat mechanics. Time for height advantage to get nerfed.

An experiment to grant everyone a bonus feat at level 1.

UI that isn't messy to use and move your party with.

More armor variety and other customization options / classes / sub-classes / companions / level 5 so that it would be interesting to create more characters for another playthrough.

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Detect magic and identify so that I actually have to do something to learn how magic items work, instead of just finding something and instantly knowing it's magical and exactly what it does. And the ability to ready actions. So tired of enemies being just outside of my range for me to hit them on my turn, but I have no way to ready an attack so that when they do move into range I can hit them. Solasta managed to pull off a D&D 5E game extremely well, if not quite as aesthetically pleasing as BG3, with a lower budget and less time. Really just wanting to see some basic features like better reactions system, ability to ready attacks, etc. 3D spell outlines would be extremely nice as well, hopefully at some point because if I can't really tell if my AOE spell is going to hit a flying target or not what good is it? That and the fact that my "cones" "cubes" and "spheres" as listed in the spell descriptions are actually all just the exact same weird outline on the ground just bothers me.

And perhaps some kind of revision of the advantage on high ground/disadvantage from low ground thing. It's not terrible, but it's not really ideal either. Just turns the encounters into big battles over who can get to the high ground and stay on it for basically all the fights, instead of figuring out some more tactical and clever strategies to deal with enemies. If you want to make high ground important without it being just stupidly necessary almost, then remove the advantage/disadvantage from it and just make it so being higher up gives you some more range on your ranged attacks instead of straight up advantage. Still makes it useful, since whoever has the high ground can rain down arrows or spells from farther away than those on the low ground.

Last edited by Pupito; 08/08/21 05:08 AM.
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Originally Posted by Pupito
instead of figuring out some more tactical and clever strategies to deal with enemies
This is actualy quite funny ...
I keep hearing theese words since patch 1, but as far as i know, nobody ever come with any "tactical and clever strategy" so even after a year i still have no idea what they mean by that. laugh

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Pupito
instead of figuring out some more tactical and clever strategies to deal with enemies
This is actualy quite funny ...
I keep hearing theese words since patch 1, but as far as i know, nobody ever come with any "tactical and clever strategy" so even after a year i still have no idea what they mean by that. laugh

Something more tactical than "if I get on this cliff, I win"? How about flanking for advantage, something that is an optional rule for 5e (not the "I get advantage if I'm behind you" backstabbing BS from before, but proper 5e flanking option). Or just flanking in general, where instead of just keeping control of this one spot of high ground and flinging my endless arrows at enemies, I actually might want to try getting around behind them with some of my characters to trap them between the two positions hammer and anvil style. I can technically do that now if I'm so inclined, but because of high ground giving advantage for no real reason, it's more advantageous to just keep the whole party on top of the high ground and use the strength characters to push anyone who comes up back off while flinging arrows at them.

Advantage is way too powerful of a thing to be handing out just because you get on top of a rock, and disadvantage is too debilitating to be giving out just because someone else is on top of the rock. Increased range for ranged attacks from high ground is more than enough, the advantage/disadvantage of it is just not needed and bogs things down more. Especially when a lot of our spells that should have 3D AoE's just have a weird flat area of the ground they target so we can't actually aim them up. Not even the correct AoE's on the flat ground either, burning hands is supposed to be a cone and instead it aims like a flat plane of fire.

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In fairness, I'm just not sure what tactical and clever strategies one can reasonably utilize at low levels aside from seeking out positional advantages. In BG1, the winning strategy was ranged weapons while having a lucky decoy max out AC and distract enemies. BG2 had higher levels and thus more options, but one very winning strategy was thief with boots of speed zipping in, stabbing something in the face, zipping past a corner, and hiding in shadows. Things with spells or abilities would fire their spell trigger, you wait that out, then zip back in. Maybe let them enjoy nuking whatever chaff a wand of monster summoning pulled in.

BG3 hardly seems less tactical than that.

And in terms of positional advantage, having elevation and cover of darkness while the enemies are fighting uphill and are illuminated or alternatively managing some form of choke point to create a fatal funnel is pretty much what springs to mind, isn't it? That or hiding the party and just kiting with a single character and then ending it in a nice ambush. Barrelmancy with local resources is also a thing, but it seems a bit too convenient, doesn't it?

There's also the problem that at present levels, most characters simply do not have any good way of dealing out damage to multiple enemies, which makes it somewhat difficult to get rid of chaff. And the chaff can and will be a problem for squishy low AC characters. And tanking with the tanky characters is non-trivial because enemies do not have to engage them. They can in fact just jump right past them or take that AoO swing and miss and step right into the face of squishy people. Or throw a vial of acid or an acid arrow or a fire arrow or a bomb flask.

And so it seems to me that it's actually fairly tactical and clever to take and hold the high ground while trying to control battlefield illumination. Doing what you can to break line of sight to ranged enemies during their turn. And using verticality and shoves to keep enemies away.

But what's perhaps a bit over the top is just how far the strong characters can shove people. A couple of meters seems reasonable, maybe a bit more if the strength difference is massive and the target is light, but after that the target should fall downwards not further outwards, regardless of verticality. At the moment, it seems like the horizontal speed is preserved all the way to the ground, which makes some shoves truly ridiculous.

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