There are still doubts about Karlach being actually a barbarian and being flagged as a paladin just as placeholder, for the record.
After digging into her story further, she REALLY seems like a Paladin with the Oath of Vengeance, but I know what you mean. My main point is that I like Karlach and want her to be a party member in EA. Besides, I like the Paladin and Barbarian classes, so I'm good with either.
On top of that, Karlach's story doesn't make a ton of sense currently. I want them to really flesh it out more. Timeline-wise, how does everything fit at the toll house? Goblins came and butchered people days upon days ago. Then what? Crash occurred. Karlach ran for it towards Baldur's Gate? What, did she go into the shadow cursed lands? Was she then jumped by Anders and his crew? Then she fled back to the tollhouse where they cornered her? As they were fighting her, the caravan showed up with Rugan and Olly? Then the Gnolls ambushed them and caved in the pass. Was that what helped Karlach escape? Then who butchered all the people around the toll house? Looked to me more like there was a sick butchery going on there. There were skeletons, not corpses, and many were skinned alive and chopped to pieces. Blood looked pretty fresh for a lot of those body parts. If the Gnolls showed up after Anders and his crew, then it wasn't the Gnolls who killed those other people, but those bodies looked more fresh. But the guy in the cellar died a long time before that, and the guards abandoned him. So if Karlach killed a bunch of Anders' folks, why were they cut to pieces and skinned?
A lot of it just doesn't make sense. Another thing that doesn't is Karlach's comment about returning home to Baldur's Gate, but she'd been in the Hells fighting the Blood War for Zariel for who knows how long. She also had a bone to pick with the rest of the Cultists of Zariel there in Baldur's Gate. Ah! The whole thing just doesn't fully make sense. I want more of her story and a bit of a timeline of sorts... and Karlach to actually look like she's supposed to.
But anyway, this is all aside from the other stuff I'd like to see in Patch 6 including the tweaks we've discussed on other posts: Monsters being more 5e-like with true stats and not weird quasi-5e monsters, etc.