Originally Posted by KillerRabbit
But people are grading Solasta on a curve because it's a tiny, tiny studio operating without a full DnD license . They've produced an amazing prototype -- what could they do if they had Larian's writing team and a full license?
Yeah grading something is always going to be relative to one's expectations. And that then means grading BG3 as a game being made with massive investments in money, time, and human resources. And especially relative to those expectations, BG3 falls short big time, and that's why it's such a huge disappointment for me. As for BG3 ever becoming a "classic," no that won't happen either. For me a classic is a game that brings together all the various strands of potential fans in agreement that the game is awesome. This is precisely what the original BG games did: they were extremely successful in UNITING the fanbase even while also bringing in a huge number of new fans. The #1 characteristic of BG3, however, is how successful it has been in DIVIDING the potential fanbase, and that is what it will be remembered for first: half the fanbase loving it and the other half hating it. And that is a great pity. It did not have to be this way.