Sometimes it blows my mind how serious we fans can take stuff.
Let's take a step back. Think real life culture. In the 1950s, a woman would never be caught dead in pants. All women were to wear skirts to their ankles and have longer hair. Now, most women DONT wear long skirts and many DONT like long hair.
Who's to say all Drow women everywhere throughout all time must look a certain way?
Established game lore uses clear stereotypes. Stereotypes are useful for a consistent imaginary world.
Real world is chaotic and ever changing. If you try to overlap real world and game world all the time all you are left with will be confusion because everything becomes mutable at any given time.
There are ways to make changes in lore but it requires more effort than " hey I make changes now because real life is changeable" to stay consistent.
Agreed. Established game lore is good. However, it's been 100 years in Faerun since the Time of Troubles. A LOT has changed. Establishing some new lore makes sense. My point is that customs change a lot in jist 50 years. It's conceivable that something as simple as hairstyles may have also changed for Drow in over 100 years.
Also, not EVERY place has to be the same. Drow in Menzo may be different from Drow in other places. I think it makes the world more realistic and immersive if stereotypes aren't always followed.