Originally Posted by VarneyTheReaper
Originally Posted by TheHero
Racist Tropes on Drow STOP IT

First of all, " Hello Forum " hehe
Today i just want to answer to the very Title of the Topic itself, written by dear "TheHero".

Long Story short,
it is impossible, dear Sir. Drow and Racism are like Cheese and Wine.

As in " IF " Cheese and Wine never to be seperated, when one wants to enjoy the genuine Flavor "of both together" the most.
When i remember ONE THING always and ever regarding Forgotten Realms and Dungeons and Dragons, then it is that Racism and Drow can not be seperated in any Way.

No Offense to Drow-Fan's, but Drow "ARE. THE. MOST. RACIST. RACE." i have ever seen in any kind of DnD-Fantasy all my Life - while now being a humble (or proud?) 36 Years old and knowing Dungeons and Dragons since my early Teenage Years.

And i must agree with a few People here,
that " in a World where there is no Internet and so on ",

IF Your Race (in Case oneself is a Drow) has a truly baaaaaad Reputation among many to most other Races out there,
in a World filled "with" Races who have more or less not even real, active Contact with each other and only small Numbers of them usually meet each other from Time to Time,

"THEN" your Race is maybe and probably doing something wrong. hahaha hahaha hahaha
Alone when for in Example the Early Access Version of Baldurs Gate Three,

"Underdark-Races" (and of Course Drow involved somewhat high in any Hierarchy down there),
call other Races things like " THINGS " or " Lower Beings " or Stuff " from the upper Realm " or so,
then the Drow Race "PROBABLY" has a serious Racism-Problem with pretty much any other Race out there. ^.^;"

It is only logical,
that many, maaaany Folks in the World of Faerun have a bad Impression of Drow and are very distrustful towards them "and" are very reluctant to want to them have nearby and around. In Baldurs Gate II if my Memory was correct,

there was a Racist (lol) who disliked Elves. He had something stinky to say "everytime" You come by with your Group and there was some Elf inside it.

But GOOOD BEWARE if You bring this one "Drow-Waifu" along who is pretty much the most difficult Women in the Game regarding of staying on good Terms with her and even having a Relatioship with her. As soon as "THIS Guy" see's her and talks to your Group, he gets hostile and "ATTACK's" You with all of his might. hahaha hahaha hahaha

And the "Drow-Waifu" in the Early Access Version of Baldurs Gate III, who kinda leads all the Goblins in/from the Camp,

is a true Drama-Queen (and a total Stereotype of Drow if you ask me) - which i basically knew IN AND OUT before witnessing the "Questline" with her - if You can call it that -> and before she "somewhat sleeps with You 'AND' of Course wants to bloody murder You afterwards." *sighs* biggrin

You can get the Drow out of the Racism, jeah -> but i bet You can't get the Racism ouf of the Drow. ;-)
AT LEAST NOT if it's one of the traditional Underdark Drow's with Red Eyes and so on. They are not nice. They are basically designed to be Villains.

Any "nice, red-eyed Drow" is basically a total Abnormality. Like good ol' Drizz't and so. cool
What you're talking about is Drow in-universe being racists, Drow supremacists really, what the thread is mostly dealing with is how people can view the Drow as using racist tropes and generalizations in their depiction. And really how fantasy tropes in general can be interpreted. e.g. the convo on Tolkien.

Like this, the Drow are racist, but they're written to be racist, so who is really the racist? Add how they, and their society is depicted and you see where they're coming from. Considering I'm not really on board with this argument maybe I'm not the best communicator of it.

Last edited by Sozz; 08/08/21 06:20 PM. Reason: Welcome to the Forum