This is kinda crazy. I can't believe we're still discussing Minthara's hair and saying that she is Drow, therefore, her hair must be long and not cropped short because she's a Drow.

Any drow who falsely wears the colors or insignia of another House (except by the express permission from that House), or who deliberately alters his or her hairstyle or attire to appear as a rank different from his or her own (except by the express permission of the owning Matron), must die.

--From the chapter Daily Life in Menzoberranzan, page 14 in the 2nd edition Menzoberranzan Boxed Set.

Drow society also had a strict fashion code (which included rules about hairstyles) meant to allow easy identification of a drow's social station and House (if any). Any drow who committed identification litigations by wearing the wrong hair style, clothes, and/or drow house insignia was considered a criminal unless the House authorized the use of their color or insignia or if the matron mother expressedly permitted a drow to change their hair and attire to appear as a different rank. It was also illegal for non-drow to disguise themselves as a specific drow, a noble drow, or a member of a House outside of the one they belonged to.

From Jarlaxle Baenre's Wikipedia article:

"Jarlaxle's shaven head is a symbol of his place in Menzoberranzan. In a society where rank and position are indicated by hair style (e.g., male drow nobles all have haircuts specific to their houses), Jarlaxle has no hair to illustrate that he considers himself a houseless rogue."

Which is a cool detail. However, I'm having trouble finding what hairstyles are used to indicate what social rank in Menzoberranzan. All the examples I can recall are of male drow who specifically keep their hair short either because they're warriors who don't want to have their hair pulled by opponents or because they, like Jarlaxle, are making a deliberate statement about their place in drow society.

There are many things I could site out here about Drow culture and hairstyles and so forth, but it doesn't matter. Minthara is no longer a Drow in the Underdark societies under Lolth or any other. She belongs to the Absolute. Therefore, they can give her whatever appearance they want to. It doesn't require any other reasoning or excuse or story plot device. They don't need to create a cutscene to tell us why she has short hair or not. There is no other reason necessary other than, "She is Minthara, Cleric of the Absolute, an unknown Goddess-Wanna-Be who is doing everything She can to wipe out other gods and take their followers for herself. She is actually doing everything in Her power to snuff out the old traditions and usher in her own."

So it makes sense that Minthara will not conform to any society, even her old society. Yes, in her old society, if she cut her hair short, she might be thought of as a slave. Not in Minthara's new culture and society. In her new society, she is a Drow woman to respect and fear, and she leads a band of dumb goblins who all worship the ground she walks on. She can walk around with a completely shaved head, a mohawk with different colors in it, or whatever, and it won't matter. They'll still worship her and fear her because she's a boss, and she's a True Soul, and she's a Cleric of the Absolute, Chosen by the Chosen, to find the weapon.

Now, again, I say, whether you like the new look or the old, or you want something new and different, that's something we can talk about and give our opinions. All this other stuff about her new look not fitting her as a Drow and stuff, that seems a bit off topic and unimportant to whether they should or should not revert to her previous appearance.

I, personally, would maybe like to see something else. I don't really think either look is particularly awesome. I think they could make her look even better. I'm not looking for slut-zilla with boobs popping out or anything like that. I actually like that they kept her more tough looking and less skanky, like people tend to make Drow females look. However, she could benefit from yet another overhaul. I agree she could look more feminine, but that doesn't bother me if they don't. There are many women who don't necessarily burst forth with traditional feminine form. Why does Minthara have to be a busty female with curves and showing off her naughty bits to prove she's a woman?

No, I'm just wondering if they could make her look even creepier and more evil. That's more of what I care about with her. Again, to me, she's the most evil character of the 3 bosses. Therefore, I'd like to see her with more of a wicked appearance. I'm not even sure what that is, but her personality is straight up crazy.

I'm thinking something more like this: [Linked Image from]

or maybe this except with more armor on and such (notice the short hair): [img][/img]

I don't know. Just something more wicked looking and/or creepy.

Last edited by GM4Him; 09/08/21 06:01 PM.