Originally Posted by Zellin
Talking about absent players: I have a bad habit of going AFK to grab some tea when it's not my turn in coop. Ofc I'm usually doing it when I know that my turn will be like 5 minutes later, plus i have bluetooth headphones so I still hear what's going on, but yeah if the game would require regular input from me in coop, that would be... not very comfortable.
How often do you get tea?? 3-4 times during a few-hour coop gaming session, max? Worse case scenario, this adds up to ~5-10 minutes max spread out over a few hours which is really not that bad.

This estimate assumes that
-every single time you get tea it's during combat (entirely up to you)
-each of those times your character gets a reaction prompt while you're gone (pretty unlikely unless the AI is bad and constantly provokes AoOs)
-these prompts aren't timed, so they don't automatically resolve after X seconds (why wouldn't the game allow this option?)
-your friends take their turns quickly (pretty unlikely in my experience)

More realistically, during a few hour game session there'd be one time where your friends had to wait <3 minutes for you to get back. Personally, I think that's well worth it for the increase in control and ability for player action/decisions during enemy turns. And this ~isn't a problem for single-player, so at least should be an option.