Well, the problem here Blackheifer is that you are talking about masses ...
Im only talking to those people who are proclaiming here that they DO want that challenge ...

And i only tells them that the challenge is allready there.
If you dont want to quick load, simply unbind the button (or set mouse trap abowe it w/e laugh ) and you have exactly the challenge you claimed you want.

I know and realize that *many* (and imho it dont even matter how many) people would never surrender their Quick Load (im one of them) bcs its just covenient solution for situation drags you to corner. laugh

We were allready talking about it in context of saving Arabella ...
You have to sucess in two rolls in a row to help the girl ... i know that those rolls are not "incredibly hard" but once you fail, all you can possibly do is stand there and helpess watch child die. :-/
Unacceptable outcome for some of my planned characters ... for example when i create my Paladin, i plan to play him as almost stupidly good and honorable character ... that honorable so he would despise even things like seting a trap, or ambushing and simmilar stuff (hope that is enough to draw a picture) ... so when he would not talk Kagha to let the child go, he would simply jump between kid and snake and possibly get bitten himself ... or cast cure poison once the child is bitten ... or heal wounds ... or use revivify scroll on her ... or potion ... the options are litteraly endless, but he would NEVER just stand there and let child die (wich is curently the only thing game allows you to do)!
Curently game dont allow any ofthis (but i would love it, each and every option), so my only option is either betray my character ... or betray my game integrity and reload. laugh

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 10/08/21 12:21 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown