Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Exactly, Arabella dying leads to some very interesting long term repercussions. Its funny that Larian put in so much stuff that will never be seen by most players but I applaud them for doing so.
Exactly what?
The fact that outcome is not boring and have some depth ... dont change the fact that its compeltely useless for certain characters. laugh

Just fyi -There is a term that applies to this kind of playstyle - it's called "Path-polishing" - selecting outcomes based on how well they work with an existing character/class type.

In multiplayer we kind of round-robin the decision making and back whatever play somebody makes regardless of outcome. Save scumming isn't really a thing and reloading mostly only happens when there is a game-breaking bug.

I think the more you do this you realize the value in letting the chips land where they may and going with it. Not judging how people play, just pointing out that exposure to this style of play tends to alter your perceptions.

Having said that I look forward to different difficulty settings and Core-rules modes. I have groups that would love a core-rules run on hard difficulty with honor mode.
