Immersion is the biggest difference IMO.

WoTC is way more immersive than BG3. Despite it's good gameplay and graphics, BG3 always throw at our heads that it's a video game.

A book need paper and you hold it in your hand but when you're reading it's a story you see in your head.

A film show images but when you're looking a good film you forget that you're in your sofa looking at your television.

Despite the obvious requirement for video games (like a user interface), WoTR is WAY better than BG3 to make you feel that most things you see is a part of the story or the world.
But it's not that hard because despite it's beautifull 3D, there are ALWAYS something in BG3 that bring you back to reality.

- the user interface. A few elements are beautifull but 95% of every menu, hotbar, map and mini map is at best random/common, at worst awefull.

- the world is completely frozen. Nothing ever happen... Even when you destroyed the goblins leader those at the blighted village continue waiting without turning hostile.

- time does not exist. It's night when the player decide to click on a button.

- non magical things like jumping or pushing someone when you're a human look magical.

- faste traveling look like a cheat code rather than a travel.

- the main menu invite players for a story of runes and boat next to a cave rather than inviting you to write a story (pathfinder) or to invite you for a journey in the world (pillars of eternity).

- there are no drawings in the game. Everything is so common and lack of personnality. The portrait, the maps are just gamey and awefull.

- companions have a story that "does not look realistic (believable ?) at all".

Just a few exemple... In my opinion that's a BIG difference with a lot of other cRPG and BG3.

BG3 lack the pen & paper style and what makes the experience very immersive. WoTC is good at that.

Of course immersion depends the player... For a lot of players it only mean beautifull 3D and for other it only mean eating and drinking...

Last edited by Maximuuus; 11/08/21 12:56 PM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :