I pretty much agree with your post. I am often confused why so many people are so hung up on *other* peoples preferences. I mean, no one is forcing you to become something you are not? That is, after all, the point. Just tolerate other people being different and go on about your day. I mean, the "all-companions-are-bi"-approach ensures that you don't even have to worry about incorpatible sexuality. So no chance of your favorite companion, who could be your one true (in-game) soulmate not being interested in your character. If there would be such a thing, I would understand it. Personally, when I play games I want to see a good resolution and incompatibility is a RL thing I can really do without..
On the other hand, Serra? Wheren't you murdered by a Planeswalker ages ago? How can you run around and write forum posts? oô