Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Ixal
I think the big difference is that the characters in WotR have a defined sexuality independent of the player while in BG3, depending on your viewpoint, everything is bi or playersexual (meaning their sexuality changes to always be compatible to the player).
Di they? I never really bothered chasing romance with anyone so far, but as far as I could remember even in Kingmaker you could basically flirt with the entire cast.
I have not played Pathfinder newest one. That said I think the difference here is that in BG3 companion male Elf Astaron tries flirt with you from the very beginning despite if your main is a man character.

Originally Posted by teclis23
My honest opinion from what i have seen so far;

Wrath of the righteous looks incredibly good and so does BG3.

WOTR does appear to be offering a lot more mechanics through mythics paths where you can become angels, devils and liches ect....it looks really really frickin good....like really good. WOTR also possibly looks to have better story writing and companions. Owlcat are based in Poland and arent necessarily all about diversity and gender neutral crap like Larian is. I think Larain have gone waaaayyyyy to far with this stuff and Owlcat have completely tuned it down eg Larian has gone woke and Owlcat are not woke.

BG3 on the other hand looks better visually and i think has more potential due to there budget.

Thoughts people?
My thoughts Poland got right attitude and Witcher 3 and this Pathfinder have the right views.

They Larian had a news out that they are dissatisfied the majority of player in Early Acces create a white human character. Certainly raised a stong red flag with me and to think they spy on players even on that subject is a red flag indeed. That is not all they have made now so if you choose human the default is black human you must manually change the skin color in character creation.
That is not all when in character creation can choose your ideal partner the faces of women if you choose human race there is only one white caucasian face. Rest are Asian or black peoples faces not in skin color, but facial looks. I find this sick they have done so. Well though I must admit I find also Asian women can be beutiful and example in Smallville TV Series Kristin Kruek that has parents from China and Europe etnic background is super beautiful in an interesting exotic way. Thai people are genetically like Chinese when I was in Thailand I once by mistake thought two women to be Thai ladies, but they were tourists from China.

Well not that I let it me bother super much and not so fond of the green color of Wood Elves changed their skin color to that of typical Tolkien Elves.

However all things said will this stop playing me BG3? No and any gay adancement from Astarion or anyone else for that matter I will simply ignore them.
Well and I believe mods could provide more character models.

Last edited by Terminator2020; 12/08/21 11:56 AM.