Originally Posted by Icelyn
Originally Posted by Ikke
Does everyone agree with this assessment? If so, Larian should really start to work on improving immersion. I haven't played P:WotR yet (I prefer to play a mature and bug free game), but so far my biggest problems with BG3 EA have to do with immersion breaking (e.g. fast travel without portals, send stuff to camp, 2D yellow outlines on 3D shapes, ...). In my point of view, it stands to reason to try to avoid breaking immersion in an RPG as much as possible. The better a players succeeds at playing a role, the more fun she/he is having, right?
But it is good news that the developers of P:WotR did manage to get immersion right.
I do not agree. I would hate for fast travel to be removed. For me removing fast travel and having to walk to portals would be tedious not immersive.

I agree, ppl always ask for no fast travel, or more immersive fast travel until they have to spend half of the game just walking around a huge map and the same places over and over again. So, you're right, Fast travel should never be removed from any game with a big map.