I didn't hate it one single bit... But then again I listened to the warnings before starting the game and I played setting it to its easiest mode. Maybe it actually used to be a pain at first.
Game was a crap show when it first launched cause they needed more funding. So people that picked up the game got a beta version. Tons and tons of bugs broken crap, missing feats (which i wouldn't be shocked if its still that was). They had exotic gear like Sai's an such at the small inn, but you wouldn't see a handcrossbow.
Been a real long time, generally what I remember before Uninstalling, never reached passed the first chapter.
I've said this before, pretty sure PFKM would be a more better comparison to BG3. Both games are a first and both seem to be a work in progress.
Last edited by Raze; 16/03/2208:38 AM. Reason: deleted forum account