But Disco Elysium is far more original than DOS2, even if less influential. Calling a Planescape clone like Tides of Numenera is an insult to the game.
That's not what I meant to say, and didn't mean to belittle any of the games, and especially not Disco. But DE clearly bounces off Planescape - it is not imitation but the point of origin is pretty obvious. It succeess because it is different and full of its own ideas and identity rather then being derivative.
But it is following Infinity Engine's interest in storytelling and worldbuildong, where is I think Larian is more interested in the social aspect of an RPG - being with human buddies, and messing with each other doing silly things. I don't think that's something other RPGs focused on, even if they had multiplayer (can't speak for NWN - am not familiar with its multiplayer functionality). That's all I wanted to say, nothing more.