Originally Posted by teclis23
Originally Posted by BraveSirRobin
Originally Posted by SerraSerra
That being said, I am really getting annoyed by how your post and several others in the past weeks/months construct a straw man to try and degenerate the discussions on this forum into a kind of idiotic gamergate reactionary bullshit. Gay people exist, feminine males and masculine females and everything in between exists, people having sexual intercourse with whomever they want exist, so please do yourself a favour and take your bullshit attempts to politicize games back to /pol or parler. It really blows my mind that such narrow-minded frustrated infantile idiots like you feel the constant need to bring up other people's sexuality and gender experience on a forum about a videogame set in an imaginary world. Like what the fuck is wrong with you guys, if you're so obsessed by the gay and queer perhaps you should start questioning yourself why the fuck you even care this much about it as apparently most other people seem to simply not care how people think about and what they do about their genitalia and agree it is total bullshit to oppress people because of what they say, think, and do with said genitalia. I can't stop thinking about that Hungarian anti-gay EU parliamentarian who made his career out of targeting LGTBQ and the "gender" agenda and got caught with plenty of mdma pills and other drugs on a clandestine gay chem-sex party during lockdown. Kinda validates my hypothesis that the most vocal opponents of 'the gay' are those who truly feel 'the call of the gay' inside of them but chose to fight it - and thus themselves - instead of simply embracing their own homo-erotic fantasies and without realizing the fact that they feel so threatened by 'the gay' living rent free in their heads is more telling about their own fragile sexuality in denial than about 'the gay' and society ...
Now please bugger off and take your cringe anti-woke crusade somewhere else. Btw, I hope you're aware the father of modern computing - Alan Turing - was gay too, so while you think you're probably super funny edgy and hetero you're actually wasting your live on a machine invented by a gay man - how ironic.

Well said. It is also my experience that virtually all anti-gay or anti "woke" are at a minimum assholes and almost always closeted and self hating homosexual curious.

My woke comments have nothing to do with gay? Why are you saying this? LGQBT people are incredibly welcome in my books and i wish them all the best.

The issue i have is an over-representation of wokeness in the game. The game should be all about quality content and nothing else. I dont want Larian to bend the knee to the woke cancel culture mob and make the game all about race and gender and racial diversity like Hollywood currently is. Hollywood is in the gutter because of this garbage.

Also woke-ness tries to undervalue masculinity. We need Masculinity for BG3 to work well 100%! Currently there are no masculine NPCS in BG3! WOTR has heaps of them. In BG3 we have woke Astarion who is more concerned about what color shirt he is wearing to a battle as apposed to actually winning it. Its a disgrace!
Trust me ditch the woke and the game will be FAR FAR FAR better!!!
+1. I understand your reaction completely and you got my symphaty.

I feel you. Well and specially last poster does not have any manners and profane language.

I even have one gay couple as friends in real life but they know better then try to flirt with me I have made it abundant clear to them.

Well and regarding DELETE Astarion he comes of as a feminine homo and tries to seduce right from the very begining regardless of your created gender.
I stand by I do not like him.

I have used Astarion for some things in BG3 when I really need to open a lock or disarm trap but generally I always want to leave him in the camp unless I really need him.

Reagarding Trans gender in Pathfinder 2 I found this info on Internet posted by someonelse:
Sentence for sentence, the vast bulk of the writing in Kingmaker was original to Owlcat and not taken from the adventure path (there‘s little to take). The stuff about the trans lesbian in the first Wrath of the Righteous module is meant as background information for the DM, the same way that the first Kingmaker module contains a bunch of background info on Oleg and his wife. They didn’t transcribe that shit directly into the game, they wrote their own dialogue.

I just read through the first WotR module. There’s one lengthy speech (pretty much written as third person exposition) two letters, and that’s about it. Owlcat’s gotta compose everything else themselves. They’re good at that.
Anyway I guess most player in the game will not even notice that or ignore it if they do.

Well and when I was in Thailand I did see some ladyboys with pretty face but said no to their proposals to get to know me better and this happened also in Tinder I by mistake matched some Ladyboys then unmatche
d them when noticed more their profile.
While Astarion you need to be blind if you dont see he tries to flirt with you... from the very beginning.
However relistically speaking do I believe he will be removed? No I do not that will happen the only thing Larian might maybe change (less then 25% chance that would happen I believe because many also like him I know that his Vampirespawn side is kind of another aspect more cool) is some of his dialogues I think they did change already some characters dialogues from the feedback by players they are to hostile towards the player.
The only thing I do not agree with OP is this strong masculine wish. The Druid Elf that can change into Bear and help in the Goblin area I complained myself he is to bodybuilder type for being Elf, but then some one explained that is subrace of Elf can be more like that but I think he is still to bodybuilder type for being an Elf and not Human or say Half Orc.

I dont get care how people are bodybuilder or say more nerd less strong they can still be my friends and if you read the info in spoiler about my real life friend two of them you might get very suprised.
Well and I go to gym myself though I am more fitness type then huge bodybuider type though I am fairly strong and I am respected in the gym.
Well and regarding Astarion he is a dex based Elf (and Vampire Spawn) Rogue and he does not have high strenght.
On the Rogue class In BG3 combat now that they have made so that backstabbing does not give advantage and on top of that pushing really requires good strength and based on weight of opponent (a Dragon impossible to push) Rogues are not Tier S (S as in SUPERIOR best tier) in BG3. That is good because Rogues certainly are not S tier in Dnd 5th Pen and Paper.

I have bought BG3 and I am interested to buy Pathfinder 2, but I think I wait for reviews after full release. Pathfinder 1 i do not consider it a great game and yes I played it but never finished it.
However Pathfinder 2 is improved better game then Pathfinder 1 was I get that impression clearly. While Pathfinder 2 have bugs it seems to have less bugs in BETA then Pathfinder 1 had at release.

That said is Pathfinder 2 super polished as in WOW MMO? No it has graphical bugs and other bugs they could still make it more polished for sure.

Well and the Pathfinder 2 they have made world more better looking and you can even replace character portraits to what you want.

Last edited by Terminator2020; 13/08/21 02:01 PM.