Full stop on social politics regardless of which side of the isle you're on please. Thread will be closed if you can't keep it on topic.
Oh please, this 'both sides' stuff is getting a bit old at this point. Many EU countries have laws against racist, sexist or otherwise discriminatory and hate instigating speech so, why can't Larian simply take a stand saying there is no place for discriminatory language - be it sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. - on their forum ? If we do not accept this language on our streets and in our workplaces, why should it be given a voice online ? Especially given the inflammatory and provocative tone of OP's post, this 'bothsidesism' seems a bit weak, a fortiori given the contrast between on the one hand the absence of any interaction with forum members from larian's part on issue directly related to the BG3 game (e.g. some mega threads were created but people are still left in the dark regarding Larian's stance or decision in these topics) while on the other hand from the moment some new account makes low effort troll posts Larian comes in to declare the issue taboo.