Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
I think Pathfinder as a game, on its own will likely be a good game. The thing that ruins it for me is that Owlcat has elected to bundle optional materials with in-game items at significant cost. plus the cost for the 1st year of 'optional' DLC - even though that DLC is being developed at the same time as the primary game. Its basically $100 for the game in full.

I don't oppose DLC - but it shouldn't be this tiny piecemeal crap. I am hoping Larian does DLC that is entirely new modules separate from the main campaign. That's worth charging a significant price for especially for the multiplayer fans.

Owlcats pricing structure is something that I tie in with the general downfall of gaming and its a huge red flag - they will be selling "horse armor" DLC soon enough.
According to the steam page, it looks like the DLC is being released at the same time as the game?? Ick; not a fan of that. While it doesn't necessarily mean that content was carved out of the base game and put into DLC, it does mean that development resources that could have improved the base game were instead poured into these DLCs. DLC development should be reserved for after a game comes out and bugs are mainly fixed.

I'm fine with Commander Pack bundle that gives artbook/OST/map & small in-game items; the main rewards seem to be the digital artbook/ost, with the in-game items being a bonus.

And +1 for punishing offenders instead of entire threads.
Steam doesn't even list the DLCs for WotR yet. Only the season pass which is basically the preorder for the 3 following DLCs which will come later and not at release (some probably not even 2022).

Last edited by Ixal; 13/08/21 04:42 PM.