Originally Posted by Blackheifer
So you are saying in regards to new - polished - modules we are more likely to get an entirely new game using the same engine than selling us a new module that can be added on. Or we need to look to modders to create that content.

Assuming that the confirmed mod support includes access to the engine as with Dos1/2, then I dare with some confidence predict that a ton of people are going to try and re-create various campaigns from D&D in it (or their own new original ones), no doubt in my mind. In fact I've seen several people talk about it and have plans already, should the opportunity present itself in the future.

Originally Posted by Blackheifer
This begs the question; is the majority of the work then creating the game story, maps, combat and dialogue or is it programming, bug fixing and modifying the actual engine?

Both, it's different teams and individuals involved in the particular roles, so... I wouldn't dare trying to guess any metrics on like "how much work" either is. I don't think they're even necessarily comparable. But I do know that the focus is on the main campaign for BG3 and all the work it involves, than anything else (such as other modules, GM mode etc). So if the focus isn't on GM mode, which you'd think be one of the big things people would want outside of a campaign, then I doubt much time goes elsewhere either. I'd like to dream about Larian realizing something I thought of earlier in Dos2's release, where most people that wanted to make a fully fledged GM campaign, ended up pretty much having to delve into the engine anyway; So personally I'd double down on improving the engine and make it more intuitive for content creation, so that most people with some intuition for software and technology can get into it and make their own Gm campaigns there instead. Fingers crossed...

Last edited by The Composer; 13/08/21 04:53 PM.