I still legit don't know where this woke talk is even coming from, nor why a couple of posters keep trying to rail the conversation back towards that topic after a mod legit told everyone to stop. It's almost like this thread was made for an entirely different purpose, because literally everyone who has played the WotR beta would argue that the actual comparison of where each game lies on that scale is actually the opposite.
To continue on the whole 'BG3 isn't really representing the sheer scale of the world it's taking place in yet' topic, you can see this in the companions. Out of the five known companions, we have...
1 Half Elf 2 Humans 1 Elf 1 Githyanki
Among the known datamined companions, we have...
1 Tiefling 1 Human 1 Halfling (One of the most requested NPCs to be turned into a companion is another Elf. A buff one, but still an elf.)
WotR in comparison has...
2 Humans 2 Mongrelmen (mutually exclusive choice, in reality you only really get one in your party) 1 Aasimar 1 Tiefling 1 Kitsune 1 Dwarf 1 Gnome 1 Half-Elf 1 Elf 1 Succubus