I have shift work so played late and now it is weekend.

Solasta gameplay this weekend.
+ I updated graphic card drivers and now much more stable has not crashed after that perhaps that was the issue...
+ I like that you can roll stats that is one MAJOR advantage over BG3.
+ I like there is DUNGEON CREATOR well not that I am creator myself but perhaps one day I play what others have created.
+ Fine the main combat music is sometimes good.
+ Day/Night cycle add some realism.
+ Some random fights on fast travel map I would wish this game to me more hack &slash and less riddles.
+ I must say why does not BG3 have same default controls for BG3 as Solasta?
Q an E button to turn camera Solasta has better camera control then BG3 as default.
- New bugs found. From inventory has disapparead magical arrows... what the fuck.
- Same old tedious game play go there find some annoying riddle do that go there.
- Will not spoil main story but it is starting to get repetitive.
- Still level 6 and not even halfway to level 7... (unless last random encounter on fast map travel added lots of exp which I doubt).
- Well what the fuck so I wanted to return to main city from where you basically start the first big city.
It says I can not do it must continue my quest with...will not say since SPOILER.
Well so much for player freedom here we go again.
- In new newest place I could not figure out how to use the teleport portal but it could be because game will not let you
travel to main start city.
- Same ugly doll characters.
- Boring..
- This game is so average entertainment it is an effort for me to play even 4 hours/week so much other good entertainment.
My vote: 6.9/10 (subject to possible change as always)

For those who have not played Solasta max level in Solasta is 10, but since you need more exp to reach higher levels then in the beginning when it is fast level up then that I am level 6 is not far yet.

Last edited by Terminator2020; 15/08/21 02:22 AM.