Originally Posted by Terminator2020
Originally Posted by Tuco
And yeah, keep in mind that Terminator2020 is one of these weird people that seem to think that dismissing and shutting down any other title on the market is some sort of moral obligation as "true BG3 fans" or something.
BG1 and BG2 have multiplayer. BG3 have multiplayer cooperative up to maximum 4 players. There is nothing wrong playing solo games. Well even I that will play with my brother and a friend will also play single player BG3.
This because it can be difficult to agree with other people when to play. Well and most likely I will not play exactly same Class in my single player and multiplayer in BG3.

Well since old BG1 and BG2 games did not support PvP multiplayer I do not think BG3 need to have PvP.

You Tuco lol hate all MMO games World of Warcraft MMO, Final Fantasy IV MMO, Neverwinter MMO and in future release date Ashes of Creation MMO. Those MMO games can give PvP.
Well not that I am against PvP as I have said for example Neverwinter Nights 1 support PvP in multiplayer and why I want to play Ashes of Creation upcoming MMO is mainly due to the PvP content. If Larian or Owlcat would suddenly decide their games will have PvP multiplayer I would be surprised, but I would accept that.

Well and have I never been very negatively against Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2. No I played them and consider them 8/10 very good games. Unfortunately POE1 &POE2, Solasta, Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2 do not support multiplayer. Solasta looks ugly however POE1 and POE2 characters do not look ugly and you can even change character portraits if you want to do that. That is impossible in Solasta. Solasta generate the character portrait from their ugly 3D dolls.
In Pathfinder games you can also change the character portrait which is good. That is impossible in Solasta and I know you are fan of Solasta.

However since BG1 and BG2 supported multiplayer, but never supported PvP it would be enough for me if Pathfinder games would support at least cooperative multiplayer play that would be very nice improvement.

Gotta agree with Terminator on this. Lack of Multiplayer is fail. Glad there is somebody besides me that is an advocate for strong multiplayer in RPG's and BG3.

Any RPG that has multiplayer > any RPG that doesn't.

And hey, nothing against single player, but my experience has been that multiplayer comes significantly closer to replicating a TT experience.

Also - and this is just a personal opinion - I think that multiplayer leads to a healthier gaming environment when you interact with other human beings. I am not saying that the single player nation is a bunch of weird anti-social trolls that hide from sunlight and feast on human flesh but there is an unhealthy side to gaming that lack of human contact exacerbates.

Gamer toxicity is a thing - and while I don't agree with the crowd that likes to blame video games for everything bad that happens in the world - I also think that its important to have a healthy relationship with them.

Its really unfortunate that Owlcat didn't take the extra time to implement multiplayer.

Last edited by Blackheifer; 15/08/21 01:38 PM.
