Wrath of the Righteous (the game, not the module) is written specifically as a single player cRPG: Mythics has been modified to suit a single player campaign of 1 player + their followers. You are the commander of an army with super powers which by association your followers gain some measure of these powers: its not a group of adventurers, and while the 1 person in charge + their followers can work in TT session, the entire plot has been modified to prioritise the single player RPG experience, and it does it very well.

That makes any idea of multiplayer, beyond the obvious difficulties in implementing it, at odds with how the story has been laid out and how the Mythic mechanics have been designed for the game.

edit: whoops, this sounds like im being dismissive, what im trying to say is that owlcat have gone down a route of writing specifically for a single player experience, while in contrast larian's writiers are clearly intending for plot-congruence in both both single and multiplayer: everyone gets a tadpole style.

Last edited by alice_ashpool; 15/08/21 02:31 PM.