Shadowheart's gimmick is that things are more than they seem. Reading what's under the surface and deception and all that. I read her as neutral, and neutral evil in particular due to her Shar worship.

Shadowheart seems to have superficial approval and then underlying approval, and depending on how you play this can amount to one of a few things:
- play evil and she will seem fairly consistent in approving you not going out of your way to save people, though you will discover along the way shes not as onboard about letting people die in front of her as you thought
- play good and she will seem wildly inconsistent in disapproving your heroics one moment and then approving them in the next
- play pragmatic good/crafty good and you'll get Shadowheart approving of your good deeds without the initial disapproval

I think this makes her interesting and it goes well with speculation on who she really is before she got her memory wiped.

Last edited by AvatarOfSHODAN; 16/08/21 01:10 AM.