Seriously, after having played through it for about 100 hours and coming back to BG3, I'd say that if Larian made some QOL changes based on mechanics in Solasta, BG3 would be a near perfect 5e dnd game. Going from a indie game to a AAA game shouldn't feel this... jank.

Here's a list of just a few things they can add:

- Camera elevation controls: This problem is a hold over from D:OS2. The camera is way too clunky and the main problem is the player has no way to control the elevation save scrolling over some terrain until it randomly decides to move higher/lower. Solasta has a simple solution: holding shift and scrolling up/down increases/decreases elevation. They also use this for moving on the z-axis i.e for flying or walking on walls. It would be pretty useful for making mage hand work like it should and grabbing unreachable things too.

- Readying actions: Considering how large maps are in BG3 this feels like a given. You often run out of things to do because of movement limitations and end up wasting an action. In Solasta they have a basic implementation of this where you can choose to hold an attack until an enemy gets in range, so you can at least "overwatch" à la X-com. Larian, being a bigger studio, could probably implement a whole "if x do y" system that would at least be comparable to table in terms of options.

- Formation: This isn't really a Solasta specific thing and i already know a lot of people are asking for it but damn, the ally a.i. pathing is horrible. Sometimes they just shuffle back and forth and run into hazards for no reason or just straight up get separated from the group. Let them walk in single file at least...

- Fully Party at character creation: You can do this in the older BG games. You can even do it by running 4 instances of the BG3, going into multiplayer and disconnecting the other 3 characters. Unlike D:OS2 it would work with the story too to have 4 custom characters start the game together.

- Making Magic Missile not miss with LoS: Self-explanatory. Honestly, even if it has to go through terrain, just do it. Otherwise it just defeats the purpose of the spell.

- Detect Magic and Identifying objects: I know this is divisive but I like the mechanic just for finding loot and DnD accuracy.

I didn't put reactions as pop-ups because I know the devs have said that they don't want it to interrupt game flow and I agree, toggles work just fine although some kind of manual pause where you can change toggles right before a reaction/react-able state would be pretty useful. In fact, real time pause (not just turn-based mode) would be useful overall.

EDIT: I thought of a few new ones after going back to Solasta for a bit.

- Climb and dropping off ledges without jumping: Being able to scale walls of jump one square off of them depending on the height instead of having to go around solves a lot of wasted movement problems and makes athletic checks more useful. Acrobatics and athletics, in general, need more uses in combat/exploration.

- Select all button: Except in BG3 it would be chain/unchain all. It would be super convenient to go from individual to group movement fast since BG3 doesn't have cursor selection like other DnD games. Even player presets like char 1+3 and Char 2+4 or char 2+3+4 and 1.

- Not automatically using your offhand if you're dual-wielding: I didn't think it would matter, but after playing Solasta again, being able to just attack with your mainhand without a follow-up and still have a bonus action is useful sometimes and it's DnD accurate because IIRC the follow-up attack is optional. Make it a toggle at least.

Last edited by Fartlord232; 18/08/21 12:36 AM.