Originally Posted by benglynstone97
Personally I like the conflicted character motivations I just wish she was consistent in how she portrays herself. Initial meeting she's currently pretty friendly and pretty much all interactions outside of just directly speaking to her.

Then you speak to her and a lot of the options she's the opposite, rude, quick to get defensive. For example the asking about her one, she immediately gets defensive (which is fair, fits her character down the line) but in a very rude and confrontational way, then no matter what response you give she'll judge the shit out of you and tell you to do one.

though currently earning her approval doesn't change this though I'm sure it will in the future.

I feel like if you want her to be the bitchy snarky character have her introduction and dialogue response to plot be that way no? Like I know shes bitchy towards Lazel but honestly who wouldn't be, I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her either.

Outside of approval, there is a jarring element to SH where her newer, softer dialogue sometimes clashes with the tone and old context of her older, more snarky dialogue. Whether it's just because I was ok without the softer dialogue being upfront before or just can't shake the changed context, but it does feel a little jarring when you get the new and then old dialogue back to back.

Also, a lot of Shadowheart's one-to-one dialogue is approval sensitive - especially in the beginning before reaching the Grove.
If you don't save her from the pod, but avoid any disapproval with her in the beginning, she's pretty trusting of you despite that.
If you do save her from the pod, but get a bit of disapproval from recruiting Lae'zel, she will be suspicious of you. It can feel very topsy turvy in the beginning if you don't know that approval is what's changing her tone and not whether or not you saved her. It's still a bit odd though because the only way to get disapproval from SH that early on is to recruit Lae specifically while SH is in the party.