Don't see her as particularly maddening, more like tragic/sad, but in not a very interesting due to the fact that she's maybe the most openly clueless of the lot about her identity and that the player seems to be saddled with responsibility/power to influence her path greatly. Either damning her to darkness or saving her to light etc. But this also means it makes sort of sense, that her approvals are inconsistent.

She's somewhat annoyingly familiar, though, as she seems like a more hopeless/enslaved version of Sebille from DA2. The main difference between the characters being the fact that, while the (also amnesiac) Sebille was from the beginning on a revenge trip against her former Master, SH is subservient to her Master(Shar) and treats her subjugation, and usage as a disposable cannon fodder in suicide missions, as an expression of love.

Despite her empowering smug sassiness, the plotline seems to be geared to recreate the most annoying parts of the DOS2 Sebille plotline(which you could sidestep if you played as her), where PCs guidance/powerplay basically decides whether or not she(and possible friendship or romance with her) is devoured by her Mommy/Daddy issues. Meaning, if you don't deprogram her from the Sharrite cult, any rapport you'll be building with her is likely just tantamount to accumulating enough worldly affectations to qualify as a sacrifice for Shar, the mistress of loss and forgetting, who to my understanding, also basically objects to the notion of life on Faerun.

Last edited by IdPreferNotTo; 16/08/21 12:52 PM.

The promise of being led to death is reason enough to follow.