Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Please at least make a rudimentary attempt to understand what I say before responding. Things like covering all races and classes in the PHb is fundamental to the game, and that is exactly what *should* be covered within even a limited budget, which is exactly what the Pathfinder games do.

I'm going to add that the Pathfinder games go a step further in that the cRPGs are adaptations of actual tabletop modules of the same names. So not only are they trying to cover as much as possible in regards to races and classes, the entire damn setting of the module and plot is getting covered too. Though modules are generally barebones in regards to having an actual cohesive plot, so they're still filling in a lot of blanks in the writing department.

BG3 in comparison is an original work in the DnD universe.
Well, given the centrality of the Forgotten Realms to D&D over many decades, I could argue that the Forgotten Realms is itself a module, a very non-barebones and gigantic module. smile