Joined: Dec 2020
I think we all want this game to be good, or else we wouldn't be here. It's good to have different opinions on what we want this game to be.
Joined: Mar 2020
Joined: Jul 2019
Like Larian don't waste money on useless bullshit all the time Like origin characters. When the point of RPGs is to create your own adventure.
Joined: Jul 2019
I wish Baldur's Gate 3 would have half of the quality of the Witcher 3 Really? Because in my view it is clearly an inspiration, and one of the things that are wrong with BG3. Graphics, VA and spectacle are what this game is going for so far, in detriment of good gameplay. EXACTLY like Witcher 3.
Joined: Mar 2020
I wish Baldur's Gate 3 would have half of the quality of the Witcher 3 Really? Because in my view it is clearly an inspiration, and one of the things that are wrong with BG3. Graphics, VA and spectacle are what this game is going for so far, in detriment of good gameplay. EXACTLY like Witcher 3. The Witcher 3 didn't invent production values. I don't want to turn this into a Witcher 3 discussion but I just wanted to point it out. And yes, I think the Witcher 3 is a superior game. It might have some similarities with Baldur's gate 3 (I guess you mean cutscenes...? ) But it did it better
Joined: Dec 2020
I have not played Patch finder 2 difficult for me saying about its exactly graphics. However Pathfinder 1 certainly did not impressive me with graphics. Pathfinder games does use 2D portraits that can be changed which is impossible in Solasta. Pathfinder wins Solasta graphics but not impressive to me like BG3 and Witcher 3. Well and regarding budget what a waste of budget in Pathfinder 2 to create a strategy game with armies that has nothing to do with DnD. I don't care about leftist idea because it is so low budget we must give it good reviews. It is either good or not. Solasta is so bad that I have my doubts I will finish it. However I admit that I don't believe Pathfinder games will be full of annoying riddles like Solasta and Pathfinder character portraits can be changed which is impossible in Solasta. At one point I had to load an old game in Solasta due to a bug and to forward was not easy when a major bug. Well and then minor bugs in Solasta items disappeared from inventory. Regarding bugs in Pathfinder 2 well lets see when they do full release in September 2021 and professional reviews will be done. I must say it is tempting to me buy Pathfinder 2 and then complan to Kingdom Come what is bad in Pathfinder 2😁. Well and seriously before playing it myself I don't want to give my final opinion about Path finder 2 graphics. However I am not in any hurry or super eager to buy it. If I order it I will not do preorder and I could even wait for discount prices n months after release. Well and what is wierd can always be argued. I find some posts beyond wierd myself what other forum members posts like example Elves must be fat and have beard sounds insane wish to me. Lets not go over who said what if you missed it then let it be so. My point was we really have crystal clear opposite wishes here on forums. I'm gonna move along from this graphics discussion since I think your other points are more worth digging into, on account of you admitting you can't really judge WotR graphics at this point. Regarding judging Solasta, I am not suggesting that because its budget is low we should automatically give it good reviews (and this "leftist notion" thing you mention is ridiculous on its face, that's just plain not a thing. Certainly not in any sort of political sense like you're insinuating). I for one liked Solasta and found it more satisfyint than what I've played of Baldur's Gate quite honestly, but that doesn't mean I think it should automatically be given good reviews. Your comments about annoying puzzles and poor graphics are perfectly valid criticisms even if they didn't bother me personally. There are absolutely problems with it that should be taken into account when talking about it. But acknowledging a game's problems on its own terms isn't the same same as judging it by the standards of a game that's being made on a budget orders of magnitude higher. BG3 is probably spending more on its graphics than the devs had to spend on the entire game. Judging Solasta based on BG3 is, again, like judging a student film based on a Tarantino film. Sure the student film can still be good, or it could still have its own problems, but the best version of what the student film could produce is still going to pale in overall quality compared to even an average version of what Tarantino could produce. Regarding WotR, it really sounds like you've already decided that it's going to be bad before you've even played it. Your argument is weird to me because you have not, in these last two posts of yours, actually said what you want out of these games. You've just said that you think they're bad for one reason or another. As far as the strategy game stuff, your claim that it's a waste of budget because it's got nothing to do with D&D is extremely closed-minded. You don't have to like it, hell, you don't even have to play it, but you can't say before the game is even released whether or not it's a waste of money. It'll only be a waste of money if the majority of people come back and say that it was bad and not fun. Just because it has nothing to do with D&D doesn't really mean anything as far as quality is concerned. I think you should just steer clear of WotR because it clearly doesn't have what you want from a game like it and you're also clearly not interested in judging it in good faith. I will also point out that you completely ignored my arguments regarding multiplayer and mythic spells. Blah Blah so much text I don't want to read it. Shortly said I don't like Mythic spells and no multiplayer is bad and also strategy army is shit in Pathfinder 2. Well and regarding Solasta that you like. Today I said in Solasta thread I was stupid and buyed Solasta. It is so bad not sure I will play through Solasta. After that n players agreed with me Solasta is not good. I know you are fanboy of Solasta, but there the opinion of n players they are not happy buying Solasta.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 18/08/21 05:31 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Blah Blah so much text I don't want to read it. Shortly said I don't like Mythic spells and no multiplayer is bad and also strategy army is shit in Pathfinder 2. Well and regarding Solasta that you like. Today I said in Solasta thread I was stupid and buyed Solasta. It is so bad not sure I will play through it. After that n players agreed with me Solasta is not good. I no you are fanboy of Solasta but there the opinion of players they are not happy buying Solasta. Just to make sure, you didn't play wrath of the righteous not Solasta and the oy thing you need from a game to be good is to have multiplayer?
Joined: Dec 2020
Blah Blah so much text I don't want to read it. Shortly said I don't like Mythic spells and no multiplayer is bad and also strategy army is shit in Pathfinder 2. Well and regarding Solasta that you like. Today I said in Solasta thread I was stupid and buyed Solasta. It is so bad not sure I will play through it. After that n players agreed with me Solasta is not good. I no you are fanboy of Solasta but there the opinion of players they are not happy buying Solasta. Just to make sure, you didn't play wrath of the righteous not Solasta and the oy thing you need from a game to be good is to have multiplayer? I bought Solasta after full release. Pathfinder 2 not interested yet not even full release. BG3 was an exception to buy so early since fan of BG1 and BG2 and it has multiplayer. It is rare I buy and play games and even more rare I buy a game PRE relaese. For example since I like BLADERUNNER movies I was slightly interested to that fact and ULTRA HYPE of Cyberpunk 2077. I am happy I did no buy it is not even near the level it was HYPED. There are people that like Cyberpunk 2077, but i am not interested in it despite one patch in year 2021 fixed some bugs at least still many bugs and problems. Well and it is NOTHING like the dream game I hoped it would be. I know one one person that has payed lots money for the SCAM game Starcitizen MMO and that player is furious. I have not payed for it and not going to to that. Squadron 42 its single player part might get released some day the single player part but the MMO not if they are going to keep the impossible promises well so even if MMO would be released after 20 year from now it can not keep what has been promised. When I bought Skyrim by then price was 10 euro. I bought Battlefield 3 for 10 euro. I bought Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice on huge discount roughly 5 euro. All these on PC and not console prices.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 19/08/21 12:35 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2020
I am still highly questioning the real motivation for creating this thread, seeing as a few people are still a little too over-eager to keep injecting subtle political narratives into their arguments.
Also, spending the last couple pages solely complaining about how WotR doesn't have multiplayer support isn't going to suddenly change it into having multiplayer, the same way BG3 won't suddenly implement RTwP despite all the complaints early on about it being purely turn-based. We all already know. We just choose not to care.
At this point, multiplayer support is an exception due to games these days needing bigger budgets compared to the old cRPG days, and there is an argument to be made that the exact multiplayer support is behind a lot of the more questionable aspects of BG3.
('Toilet Chain' system. The hideous inventory management that happens to be less of an issue in multiplayer. Origin system acting as a way for players in multiplayer to pick a pre-loaded build, but also indirectly resulting in the writing for the companions seemingly being awkward to the level where you can't tell if each companion is supposed to be an actual companion or all acting as the party leader at once, and leading to the companions being as largely devoid of personality compared to other cRPG companions as they currently are with the exception of Shadowheart. Though if Larian wanted quick pre-loaded builds, they should have just done actual pre-loaded builds without the entire rest of the origin system. It feels like an excuse to lock entire cutscenes behind playing as a specific party member, but I've noted that a lot of the datamined origin exclusive cutscenes so far are mostly inner thoughts stuff, and we already have a convenient plot device that should allow us to interact with it as a custom MC anyway. It's like they are taking 'replay value' to a bad conclusion that doesn't respect the player's time, because a lot of the stuff gated behind the origin system would be much better off enhancing your experience with a custom MC. And as a result, it's going to result in that first playthrough being a lot less magical than it should be, and if it isn't magical enough, people will be less naturally inclined to pursue multiple playthroughs to begin with.
Like instead of all this effort being sunk into the origin system, we should have increased emphasis on backgrounds for the player character instead, which is how the origin system worked in Dragon Age Origins. Actually, I'm not even sure why Larian chose to name their system the Origin system, unless it was to invoke comparisons to the system of the same name in Dragon Age, even if the actual function of both is completely different.)
I have actually taken the latest BG3 patch for a spin. There were a few more interactions between your companions than I remember, but it seems that past the Grove, they really stop trying to banter. It's probably still a work in progress, but I have noticed subtle hints at recycling certain plot beats from D:OS2 that I feel contributed to the heavily excuse plot narrative of that game as soon as you got off that end of act 1 boat. As in, hints that the antagonists and eventually the party may be competing with each other for something later on. The big difference would be that the 'something' would be a lot more ambiguous this time. This competition narrative is also something that I feel only existed in D:OS2 because of multiplayer.
Like, I'm sort of getting this deep vibe that a lot of the design in BG3 seems to be pushing towards the game subtly making choices for you in the end, rather than you making choices on your own volition. I don't get that same feeling in WotR for whatever reason, despite that game being far more railroaded than BG3. It might be because the latter game has a lot of smaller choices that contribute to the player feeling like they are molding the personality of their player character on their own terms.
Last edited by Saito Hikari; 18/08/21 07:59 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
I have not played Patch finder 2 difficult for me saying about its exactly graphics. However Pathfinder 1 certainly did not impressive me with graphics. Pathfinder games does use 2D portraits that can be changed which is impossible in Solasta. Pathfinder wins Solasta graphics but not impressive to me like BG3 and Witcher 3. Well and regarding budget what a waste of budget in Pathfinder 2 to create a strategy game with armies that has nothing to do with DnD. I don't care about leftist idea because it is so low budget we must give it good reviews. It is either good or not. Solasta is so bad that I have my doubts I will finish it. However I admit that I don't believe Pathfinder games will be full of annoying riddles like Solasta and Pathfinder character portraits can be changed which is impossible in Solasta. At one point I had to load an old game in Solasta due to a bug and to forward was not easy when a major bug. Well and then minor bugs in Solasta items disappeared from inventory. Regarding bugs in Pathfinder 2 well lets see when they do full release in September 2021 and professional reviews will be done. I must say it is tempting to me buy Pathfinder 2 and then complan to Kingdom Come what is bad in Pathfinder 2😁. Well and seriously before playing it myself I don't want to give my final opinion about Path finder 2 graphics. However I am not in any hurry or super eager to buy it. If I order it I will not do preorder and I could even wait for discount prices n months after release. Well and what is wierd can always be argued. I find some posts beyond wierd myself what other forum members posts like example Elves must be fat and have beard sounds insane wish to me. Lets not go over who said what if you missed it then let it be so. My point was we really have crystal clear opposite wishes here on forums. I'm gonna move along from this graphics discussion since I think your other points are more worth digging into, on account of you admitting you can't really judge WotR graphics at this point. Regarding judging Solasta, I am not suggesting that because its budget is low we should automatically give it good reviews (and this "leftist notion" thing you mention is ridiculous on its face, that's just plain not a thing. Certainly not in any sort of political sense like you're insinuating). I for one liked Solasta and found it more satisfyint than what I've played of Baldur's Gate quite honestly, but that doesn't mean I think it should automatically be given good reviews. Your comments about annoying puzzles and poor graphics are perfectly valid criticisms even if they didn't bother me personally. There are absolutely problems with it that should be taken into account when talking about it. But acknowledging a game's problems on its own terms isn't the same same as judging it by the standards of a game that's being made on a budget orders of magnitude higher. BG3 is probably spending more on its graphics than the devs had to spend on the entire game. Judging Solasta based on BG3 is, again, like judging a student film based on a Tarantino film. Sure the student film can still be good, or it could still have its own problems, but the best version of what the student film could produce is still going to pale in overall quality compared to even an average version of what Tarantino could produce. Regarding WotR, it really sounds like you've already decided that it's going to be bad before you've even played it. Your argument is weird to me because you have not, in these last two posts of yours, actually said what you want out of these games. You've just said that you think they're bad for one reason or another. As far as the strategy game stuff, your claim that it's a waste of budget because it's got nothing to do with D&D is extremely closed-minded. You don't have to like it, hell, you don't even have to play it, but you can't say before the game is even released whether or not it's a waste of money. It'll only be a waste of money if the majority of people come back and say that it was bad and not fun. Just because it has nothing to do with D&D doesn't really mean anything as far as quality is concerned. I think you should just steer clear of WotR because it clearly doesn't have what you want from a game like it and you're also clearly not interested in judging it in good faith. I will also point out that you completely ignored my arguments regarding multiplayer and mythic spells. Blah Blah so much text I don't want to read it. Shortly said I don't like Mythic spells and no multiplayer is bad and also strategy army is shit in Pathfinder 2. Well and regarding Solasta that you like. Today I said in Solasta thread I was stupid and buyed Solasta. It is so bad not sure I will play through Solasta. After that n players agreed with me Solasta is not good. I know you are fanboy of Solasta, but there the opinion of n players they are not happy buying Solasta. Well, I shall politely move past you blatantly ignoring my attempt to engage with you and your arguments and simply say that I'm not a fanboy of Solasta. I enjoyed it a lot, but you can like something and not ignore its flaws. I happen to like Baldurs Gate 3 as well, and think that it'll probably end up being a better game overall than Solasta, though I think as a translation of the 5e system Solasta probably wins out. It just so happens that Baldurs Gate 3 doesn't really click with me for whatever reason and Solasta did. That doesn't mean I don't recognize it's weak graphics or very basic story. It's just that those things don't ultimately take away from my enjoyment of the game overall. Solasta is a weaker game than BG3 in most respects. It's also a game I enjoyed. I don't know how WotR is going to measure up to BG3 and neither do you.
Joined: Mar 2020
I honestly think the comparison to WotR is pretty useless at this point since most people didn't even play it. from what I'm seeing most people here that think bg3 is a better experience never touched WotR and some explicitly said they don't plan to. So I don't see how can we really create a productive discussion, but whatever
Joined: Oct 2020
People really trying to compare The Witcher 3 with BG3 or WoTr?!?...LOL. I guess in 2021 RPGs are just...whatever...Why not just compare it to Madden while your at it? Its 3D, has stats... The Witcher 3 is a real-time diablo'esq ACTION game (click, to attack!, move, click, attack) at its base surrounded by RPG elements and cinematics. I mean, it actually plays BETTER with a controller...that already tells a lot. Thats why so many people loved it. Dont need to think too much, super accessible for an <<RPG>>. However good the production value and story and MUSIC... I hated the stiff repetitive gameplay and controls.
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 18/08/21 10:28 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I honestly think the comparison to WotR is pretty useless at this point since most people didn't even play it. from what I'm seeing most people here that think bg3 is a better experience never touched WotR and some explicitly said they don't plan to. So I don't see how can we really create a productive discussion, but whatever I think people bring up WoTr because it feels more like a Baldurs gate game, its as simple as that. It does more things similarly to the franchise than what BG3 does: 6 party members Big roster of playable NPCs Engaging lead protagonist Pick your killer fantasy portrait More varied / tons of classes More spells Similar UI/Controls Similar big dialogue trees Flow of time (nights/day) and weather Realtime with pause (AND turn base)... So its a natural comparison. I also thing its the closest thing to a classic Baldurs gate game with have in the market, whether you like it or not. Larian improving on any ONE of these points would be amazing...instead of using resources to add more cinematics and gimmicks. ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/82MSgrN/Screenshot-2021-08-19-081031.jpg)
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 18/08/21 11:12 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
I honestly think the comparison to WotR is pretty useless at this point since most people didn't even play it. from what I'm seeing most people here that think bg3 is a better experience never touched WotR and some explicitly said they don't plan to. So I don't see how can we really create a productive discussion, but whatever I think people bring up WoTr because it feels more like a Baldurs gate game, its as simple as that. It does more things similarly to the franchise than what BG3 does: 6 party members Big roster of playable NPCs Engaging lead protagonist Pick your killer fantasy portrait More varied / tons of classes More spells Similar UI/Controls Similar big dialogue trees Flow of time (nights/day) and weather Realtime with pause (AND turn base)... So its a natural comparison. I also thing its the closest thing to a classic Baldurs gate game with have in the market, whether you like it or not. Larian improving on any ONE of these points would be amazing...instead of using resources to add more cinematics and gimmicks. ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/82MSgrN/Screenshot-2021-08-19-081031.jpg) It's also a better game than Bg3 by far, but like I said, until people could actually play it and see for themselves, I don't see the point in Theorising which game is better
Joined: Aug 2021
I honestly think the comparison to WotR is pretty useless at this point since most people didn't even play it. from what I'm seeing most people here that think bg3 is a better experience never touched WotR and some explicitly said they don't plan to. So I don't see how can we really create a productive discussion, but whatever I think people bring up WoTr because it feels more like a Baldurs gate game, its as simple as that. It does more things similarly to the franchise than what BG3 does: 6 party members Big roster of playable NPCs Engaging lead protagonist Pick your killer fantasy portrait More varied / tons of classes More spells Similar UI/Controls Similar big dialogue trees Flow of time (nights/day) and weather Realtime with pause (AND turn base)... So its a natural comparison. I also thing its the closest thing to a classic Baldurs gate game with have in the market, whether you like it or not. Larian improving on any ONE of these points would be amazing...instead of using resources to add more cinematics and gimmicks. It's also a better game than Bg3 by far, but like I said, until people could actually play it and see for themselves, I don't see the point in Theorising which game is better oh, the mystery. A forum dedicated to BG3 with ppl who didn't play WOTR, a game that isn't yet fully released as well. It's like going to their forum and get surprised most of the members there didn't play BG3. A mistery for the ages. Btw, the image you posted it's actually accurate. on that, I agree with you. Especially Dark Souls, DS I can affirm is far superior to any of the games around here, WOTR, BG3, witcher, etc. That IS a true masterpiece.
Last edited by Avallonkao; 18/08/21 11:58 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
I honestly think the comparison to WotR is pretty useless at this point since most people didn't even play it. from what I'm seeing most people here that think bg3 is a better experience never touched WotR and some explicitly said they don't plan to. So I don't see how can we really create a productive discussion, but whatever I think people bring up WoTr because it feels more like a Baldurs gate game, its as simple as that. It does more things similarly to the franchise than what BG3 does: 6 party members Big roster of playable NPCs Engaging lead protagonist Pick your killer fantasy portrait More varied / tons of classes More spells Similar UI/Controls Similar big dialogue trees Flow of time (nights/day) and weather Realtime with pause (AND turn base)... So its a natural comparison. I also thing its the closest thing to a classic Baldurs gate game with have in the market, whether you like it or not. Larian improving on any ONE of these points would be amazing...instead of using resources to add more cinematics and gimmicks. It's also a better game than Bg3 by far, but like I said, until people could actually play it and see for themselves, I don't see the point in Theorising which game is better oh, the mystery. A forum dedicated to BG3 with ppl who didn't play WOTR, a game that isn't yet fully released as well. It's like going to their forum and get surprised most of the members there didn't play BG3. A mistery for the ages. Btw, the image you posted it's actually accurate. on that, I agree with you. Especially Dark Souls, DS I can affirm is far superior to any of the games around here, WOTR, BG3, witcher, etc. That IS a true masterpiece. Sigh first fo all anything more is a change in process. We can not know the extect BG3 provides before full release. They never promised to inluded all races or classes in Early Acces. Well and as said many times Pathfinder 2 do not have multiplayer and we have already in tnis thread a player who said will not buy Solasta since it has it army controllig in game (which has nothing to do with DnD). Well and then they fuckded Solasta with their annoying Mythic spel ls that I personally do not like though I do understand some other players might like it very much. BG1 was never high level not some annoying demigod. While in PAthfinder you become level 20 and get on top of that annoying Mytthic powers. Why did you start a thread about comparing Baldurs Gate 3 and Solasta without just buying Solasta and playing it?
For me Pathfinder is very far from BG1 not even near. Well I wanted to know if it is worth to buy Solasta. I had only got impression from reviews. No no more questions thank you! I could as well ask every thread OP why they opened a thread. Solasta was stupid buy.... I am not even sure I want to play through it... Well as it turns out when people start listen to oh it is so good blah blah on forums they get interested and might buy an then regret it. There are 4 different players that gave +1 for my thoughts on BG3 Solasta thread so 5 different players who bought Solasta and are not happy with it at all stupid buy and unknown amount of other unhappy Solasta buy consumers who have not bothered to write +1 on that. My point being if you already find lots of things you do not like about a game it is not quaranteed that when you buy it then suddenly you will like it so much that you want to give it a good rating. I already have RED flags about Pathfinder 2... freaking army controlling that is not voluntary, freaking Mythic spells and a sea of choices I am not super interested that I need to study a game. Well and then absolutely no multiplayer support while adding bad content.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 19/08/21 01:10 AM.
Joined: May 2021
People really trying to compare The Witcher 3 with BG3 or WoTr?!?...LOL. I guess in 2021 RPGs are just...whatever...Why not just compare it to Madden while your at it? Its 3D, has stats... The Witcher 3 is a real-time diablo'esq ACTION game (click, to attack!, move, click, attack) at its base surrounded by RPG elements and cinematics. I mean, it actually plays BETTER with a controller...that already tells a lot. Thats why so many people loved it. Dont need to think too much, super accessible for an <<RPG>>. However good the production value and story and MUSIC... I hated the stiff repetitive gameplay and controls. Nailed it. I also enjoyed TW3, but it is not a true RPG imho. It is a story-driven action game with a choice and consequence system. I get tomatoes thrown at me online all the time for saying that…despite having played over 1000 hrs on the damned game. But folks will call it an RPG till they are blue in the face. Solasta, PWoR, and BG3 are all rpgs. And are DnD based rpgs to boot. Thus…I enjoy reading the comparison discussions, personally. (when they are well-constructed and informed arguments, I mean)
Joined: Sep 2020
I wish Baldur's Gate 3 would have half of the quality of the Witcher 3 Really? Because in my view it is clearly an inspiration, and one of the things that are wrong with BG3. Graphics, VA and spectacle are what this game is going for so far, in detriment of good gameplay. EXACTLY like Witcher 3. The Witcher 3 didn't invent production values. I don't want to turn this into a Witcher 3 discussion but I just wanted to point it out. And yes, I think the Witcher 3 is a superior game. It might have some similarities with Baldur's gate 3 (I guess you mean cutscenes...? ) But it did it better Civilization 6 also had some really well done cut scenes, and the animation in Roller Coaster Tycoon was nice. So lets compare BG3 to them next, shall we?
Joined: Dec 2020
People really trying to compare The Witcher 3 with BG3 or WoTr?!?...LOL. I guess in 2021 RPGs are just...whatever...Why not just compare it to Madden while your at it? Its 3D, has stats... The Witcher 3 is a real-time diablo'esq ACTION game (click, to attack!, move, click, attack) at its base surrounded by RPG elements and cinematics. I mean, it actually plays BETTER with a controller...that already tells a lot. Thats why so many people loved it. Dont need to think too much, super accessible for an <<RPG>>. However good the production value and story and MUSIC... I hated the stiff repetitive gameplay and controls. Nailed it. I also enjoyed TW3, but it is not a true RPG imho. It is a story-driven action game with a choice and consequence system. I get tomatoes thrown at me online all the time for saying that…despite having played over 1000 hrs on the damned game. But folks will call it an RPG till they are blue in the face. Solasta, PWoR, and BG3 are all rpgs. And are DnD based rpgs to boot. Thus…I enjoy reading the comparison discussions, personally. (when they are well-constructed and informed arguments, I mean) What I praised Witcher 3 for was: A. Graphics. Granted a bit demanding at original release date, but nowadays most PC users have enough good hardware. Well and this is not FPS (first person shooter game) so you do not need freaking 120-200 FPS. B. Adult content. Witcher 3 combat I guess you either like it or not that simple. 15 best roelplaying games aarticle from JUNE 2021If you google best roleplaying games or even if you google best fantasy roleplaying games you will find Witcher 3 among them. and this writtenJune 2021 and not 15 years ago. Intesting I can not see lol Solasta or Pathfinder 1 among them. Pathfinder 2 is not among them but it could be since not yet released.
Last edited by Terminator2020; 19/08/21 01:35 AM.
Joined: May 2021
Yes, I know. However, I do not rely on google (or game journalists) to tell me what is or is not an RPG. I have my own mind and standards.
I loved TW3, but do not consider it an RPG. I also loved Bioshock, and do not consider it an RPG. By the logic of many people, who define an RPG as playing a role and making choices, Mario on my old Nintendo was an RPG. GTA is an RPG. Donkey Kong is an RPG.
Sorry…I disagree.
Skyrim was an RPG. DAO was an RPG. BG1, BG2, BG3, Solasta, Tyranny, DiscoE, PWotR, DOS, POE…all RPGs. Etc ad nauseum.
Last edited by timebean; 19/08/21 01:32 AM.