Joined: Jan 2014
Soo... those Avallonkao screenshots gave me better shot at photoshopping her makeup, and I took it. Also look at her brows. I don't think the problem is in the color itself, it's that they have very little to no contrast with her skin. So I made a version with much lighter brows. ![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/s2Z2x1N/slYMYqX.jpg) So Minthara is a male.
Joined: Jan 2014
Calling it as it is, that is a sign of Woke people who hate "normies" and all normal beauty standarts. If those Woke people do not get booted quick at Larian it will be a DISASTER for sure and hurt the selling of the game. Because the product consumer around the world is very tired of this.
The majority of people do not like Woke styled characters of both genders. They are cringe and offensive in itself. let me get this straight. A female character having short hair and makeup you don't like is "woke", and it's cringe and offensive. Do you hear yourself? "normal beauty standards"? What is that exactly? OKAY, okay - maybe I am overreacting. Already calmed down again about this matter. It is just my fears & worrys are often coming to live and I am can't deal with this anymore. I want Baldurs Gate 3 to not "s*ck" and be good. And Minths current hairstyle is giving me reason for concern. You do not know what the traditional and therefore 'normal' beauty standart is? For Women it is the stereotypical features associated with feminimity. Long hair, not obese, not punk or anything. Especially with Elves in a fantasyworld who are known for their great vitality and extrem lifespawns. It makes lots of sense that they have long hair that is not getting weaker at all even if it reaches their waste. Not necessarily "Lord of the Rings" style but you get the overall image. They do not have "punk culture" and hair that looks like they have just recieved a very powerful electrical discharge. Minthara looks "OLD" even for an Elf(Drow) and her hairstyle looks like that of those ugly SJW's & Feminists. Of Feminists with all their crazy ideas that are in fact NOT female empowerment but female depowerment. And a revenge of less attractive Women against naturally attractive Women. Most Men ° are not attracted to overweight Women ° not interested in the freakist hairstyles ° or more piercings & tatoos than teeth ° or make-up that looks like the indication of a poisonous frog That is just a very bad design choice and if Larian is smart - they will not put THIS Minthara into any trailer during release! Same as a few other characters. People are very very tired of seeing their fantasy invades by political agendas & progressive bullsh°° that sends a message that no one wants. Every studio should be smart about this! Screw the NewWorldOrder system hired "critics", instead win the audience over! I guess ultimately I will not care how Larian decides though. And if I have to install mods for days or something before I can play. I will totally do it and go through it no matter how annoying or painful it gets. Everything - before I endure this repulsive "official version". This Minthara looks weak & like a political agenda that has nothing to do in Faerun. Wonderfully put. Applause, +1 to you.
Joined: Jan 2014
Yeah I think so, the Daisy name I mean. Ever since KillerRabbit made that tinfoil hat "bicycle built for two" thread. It must have been written down somewhere, perhaps in the mine? Just shorthand for the worm in our head. https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=763875I think it makes sense, again like Total Recall, that our cosmetic inputs there might have some bearing on who we encounter later. Minthara has her own VO and head model and such that can't be accessed without mods I guess, but it still seems like an entertaining idea. Even if just for the makeup or the eye color, the haircut and such. Dotmats I think also raised the idea in that one BG3 video he made, that modern RPGs are really trying to just play off the real doll 'play as who you want to sleep with' sort of ideal, which is what gives these games all those familiar YA pitfalls. It would be interesting, since the tadpole thing is so baked in, to go all meta there. As like a running commentary on the typical player choices. They seemed to have a good laugh in their first EA newsletter, when they realized that everyone was just using the most bland model choices available, instead of like tieflings with horns and blue hair lol. They may have gotten an equally boring result for Daisy, if they were tracking it in their analytics. I don't even bother to change her face model anymore. I click the voice from 2 to 4, since the Scots accent sort of grates, and maybe click a different haircut just for flair, but otherwise Daisy is just the drow gal they throw at me, since the choices don't seem to affect anything other than one or two introspection cutscenes. It could at least be randomized, but they didn't go there with the custom PC character creator, so I guess why would I expect them to do it in the sub-character creator hehe. It would be cooler though if the choices there actually impacted who we ran into among the NPCs somehow, or how they ended up looking. Florrick and Kagha are putting Minthara to shame with their eye makeup chops. Nobody is signing up to get their cosmetology degree from the Absolute's "School of Absolute Beauty" now. Not with Patch 5 Minthara on the cover of the brochure at any rate hehe I can almost anticipate that in patch 6 Minthara will have a new VO line where she says something like "Beauty is only skin deep!" before trying to cut someone. Or "All in the eye of the beholder" but like with an actual Beholder's eye in her hand. It'll just turn into the running joke. Too far along now to stop that from happening. ps. You can't even see Minthara's eyebrows in the top animation above, since the brow color matches her skintone almost exactly now. It looks like when the stylist asks the makeup artist to completely cover a model's eyebrows, so new brows can be drawn on with a pencil. Perhaps in a totally different shape, or with a more severe angle or whatever, but where we can still totally see the actual eyebrows under all the powder. It just seems wonky and over the top catwalk, especially for this character. Again, if it was Astarion doing it, I'm sure he gets a pass. But Minthara? It just doesn't fit. pps. further digression, but evil path should be like MInthara says "perhaps someday, in Menzoberranzan..." with that stary-eyed whimsy look like maybe she's changed deep down, but then the PC just says "Or not" and straight mercs her for the black armor and the misty step amulet at the last moment? hehe. So cold! I mean she could still come back later and be all pissed about it, especially that you jacked her duds, and "what about all we shared, and the absolute?" before trying to kill you a third time. But that would just be better. She should be designed to get dropped in Act 1 and have her black armor taken by the PC, regardless of the path. Same as Drizzt in BG1 to BG2 follow up. Better Evil. Evil path works best as comedy I think, but where the villain is still playing it straight. Like Alan Rickman's Sherriff of Nottingham or Edwin from BG. Minthara cutthroat evil of the previous look kinda had that for me, mainly in the hair I guess. Rocker hair, like late 80s early 90s blow out had a certain vibe, but this one is like a whole different sort of Minthara now. I still think black armor could sell it though. Maybe she's born with it, maybe its black armor 3ps. SWTOR was mentioned earlier, and the analogous character there I think is Thana Vesh. Like a one dimensional B villain psycho who'd slip into the background otherwise, except for being redeemed by her badass black armor. A sense of style that made her memorable. Talk about eyeshadow lol. In that game they played it where SW Baroness balked at every advance, whereas here Minthara is the one doing the pouncing to an almost comical degree, but I think the comparison is kind of apt. Same thing going on, I'd suspect, where without the right look the character would just ring sort of hollow and become instantly forgettable. Might be giving Minthara too much credit in that comparison, since Thana Vesh had the whole "I can do anything better than you" tease, and was being constantly thwarted by her insufferable Darth Lord whoever. I don't remember his name. But she stood out. She got the name rec. Same way Minthara did here. Even as a one note, the armor should look badass. Her patch 5 outfit is like what you force the PCs to dress in at lvl1, so they can be excited to immediately find something that looks way cooler, not how you dress a villain heheh. They should really put in some work there for Minthara's duds, cause the new duds combined with the new makeup and all the rest is just dragging her down, like from B villain to D. A straight male that sleeps around is a stud, not a slut. For other sexual preferences, then yes, they can be a slut.
Joined: Nov 2020
So it turns out Minthara's armor is female. Lesson learned, should have checked in the game instead of relying on forum screenshots. 
Joined: May 2021
A straight male that sleeps around is a stud, not a slut. For other sexual preferences, then yes, they can be a slut. STUD = U + STD. Enjoy. Also…yawn. How very 80s.
Joined: Dec 2020
Thank you mods 
Joined: Jan 2021
I don't know what's more embarrassing. Minthara's new hair, or this thread. Holy wow lmao!
If I have to read the phrase 'sjw' again I might kill myself.
Minthara is a badass, & not every woman is overly feminine looking. Her voice/slight masculine appearance is fine, if only making some homophobic dudes tingly in the pants and they're mad about it.
Although, I was more disappointed in her new hairstyle at first, and prefer the original, I'm less mad about it/more used to it now. Although I think the darker eyebrows/darker eyes in general fit her better imo. But I suppose they're trying to diversify their females cuz if every single one all had the same dark, sultry eyes it would be a little much.
It would be interesting to see a third hairstyle emerge. I do like that this new hair style shows more of her face etc and ears. At the end of the day, who cares, I'd rather they finish the game then go back and forth on issues like this.
Joined: Mar 2013
just checked minthara on youtube on patch 5. my opinion i don't like the change. she somewhat looks more like a dude. is larian intending minthara as a trans?
Joined: Oct 2020
Weclome home thread! Well done!
heheh yeah, this one is a doozy. I mean I didn't really remember D&D being quite so polarizing or such a bastion for casual chauvinism even just a few years ago, put perhaps that's just me being naïve? I suppose eventually it'll probably break into two things, and two audiences with incessantly warring factions, like everything else in modern culture.
Just to be clear, I really wouldn't care at all if they've decided that's the new deal with Minthara, and she's just supposed to be like Mintharus now or something? I still think they'd be cooler with Black Armor regardless. But if that is the plan, it certainly seems like throwing a stick of dynamite onto a pile of woodchips and gasoline soaked rags at this point, just given the response to other games that tried to do something similar without putting sufficient thought into it. Such things shouldn't come across as an inclusivity afterthought, or as a last minute bait and switch. I mean they could do it, but you know it would probably activate like every troll sleeper cell on the internet and turn this place into an instant nightmare like the steam forums. Sometimes ill advised things are done purely to garner publicity, so who knows, but I suspect it was probably just a goof and the next patch will probably revert to the old appearance. Or maybe show off a new one? I still think Black armor is the ticket, come what may.
If they did do that though, like they just made Minthara hella butch purely to break Onemanarmy's heart lol? It seems kinda capricious, but also funny cause like obviously that would be the one thing Larian read in the entire feedback section and decided to go thermonuclear option mad with it? Just give us some black armor to loot, and I'm with whatever. Doubtless there will be other drow down the line to pine for. I mean one could hope
Last edited by Black_Elk; 19/08/21 12:22 AM.
Joined: Mar 2013
i'm honestly not impressed if larian is trying to join the woke community. understand that many devs now want to show they support inclusivity. but don't force it for the sake of just want to have it.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yeah, I don't like that haircut at all. If you don't give me attractive drow romance then I'm out. Especially when we can't play Vhaeraun drow.
All you have to do is make her jaw less angular and keep longer hair.
Last edited by Soulcatcher30; 22/08/21 04:12 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
I'm not a fan of Mintharas new 'do or make up. But I'm seeing some guff about her voice too? I think her VA is wonderful, just how I imagine a female Drow to speak Need to remember that in the Drow society, other than child birth, the females assume a moe traditionally masculine role and the males the more submissive traditionally feminine role. The males are usually the ones making themselves attractive, and yes the females do too, but as the ones who controls almost all aspects of their society, they don't need to primp as much, acknowledging they have the upper hand.
Larian isn't being 'woke', they are trying to interpret the various cultures of FR and I think they are doing a really good job of it.
And, as pointed out, there are mods and will be mods. Mod away, because there is no way any dev will be able to make everyone happy and if they try the product will suffer. That's how the various modding communities came about afterall...because you can't please everyone.
Joined: Oct 2020
Her VA is why I like the character. The VA pretty much is the character here. Change the VA and you might was well give her another name and make a new character. I think the voice work was great and merits a badass suit of armor and look to accompany it. I think the old look with the voice carried well. Better look would be black armor. Black Armor might not please 100% but I bet pleased enough to be an instant hit.
Joined: Oct 2020
If you people of the 'Minthara fanclub' would really be into her as a character, you wouldn't care about her appearance.
Joined: Mar 2021
Joined: Feb 2021
If you people of the 'Minthara fanclub' would really be into her as a character, you wouldn't care about her appearance. BECAUSE we're into Minthara as a character, we want her to be even more awesome than she already is. As it stands, she's okay, but we can see the potential she really has. I just finished playing through the fight against Minthara using Tabletop rules and stats and such. OMG! Minthara could be SO awesome. Here's a taste: Minthara (using Drow Priestess of Lolth stats with a few modifications for spell selection, etc.; she already used Bless once and still had it activate on the remaining 2 ogres and the 2 Sword Spiders. She used a 3rd level spell slot to bless the four creatures and 1 other which was now dead, so she had only 2 slots remaining)
It was then Minthara’s turn. She was no fool. She had not underestimated anyone. She recognized Gale upon the wall as her worst enemy; at least to start with. She wasn’t sure how powerful he truly was, but she didn’t want to take any chances. He had to die first.
And so, she cast Insect Plague. Instantly, swarming, biting locusts filled a 20-foot-radius centered on Gale. The sphere remained for 10 minutes or until she lost concentration, and its area was lightly obscured. The sphere’s area was also difficult terrain, and when it appeared, each creature in it had to make a Constitution save. The damage was 4d10 piercing damage on a failed save and half as much on a success. A creature had to also make a save when it entered the spell’s area for the first time and at the end of its turn there.
And so, Minthara rolled a 17 for damage, and Gale rolled a 22 for his save. He succeeded in taking only half damage, so a total of 8. He was fortunate. But he was not alone in the zone of swarming locusts. Vexir and Kaedyn both also suffered from the attack. Kaedyn rolled a 17 and took 8 damage, but Vexir took 17 damage because she only rolled an 11.
Minthara cursed when she saw that Gale hadn’t fallen. “Kill him first!” she commanded. “The wizard must die before the ogres and sappers move.” Then, just a round later, after Wynari used Call Lightning (she and the heroes were Level 5 by this time), Wynari caused the goblin sappers to explode in a massive chain reaction of death and carnage as they rushed towards the wall with their smokepowder barrels. Minthara’s eyes narrowed to slits. She saw Wynari as the smoke cleared, and she sneered. Wynari would be her next target for sure. She would die a horrible, terrible, painful death for what she’d just done. Half of her entire force was gone in moments. At that moment, she decided to change her strategy.
It was now Minthara’s turn. Seeing the battle going poorly, she drank a Potion of Speed, rushed forward 60 feet and used her Amulet of Misty Step to catapult her using a Bonus action another 30 feet. Then, with her remaining Action that round, she cast Guiding Bolt using her last Level 5 spell slot. If she hit, she would do 8d6 damage off of Wynari. She rolled a 21 and hit, dealing 27 points of damage. Wynari was still standing, but she only had 12 HP remaining. She also rolled an 18 and maintained her concentration on her Call Lightning Spell. Then, a round later... (This is my favorite part.)  Next, it was Kaedyn’s turn. He knew Gale was struggling, and things would get very bad if he died completely, so he cast Healing Word again. He only had 1 level 1 spell slot remaining. He healed Gale for 9 HP. Then he cast Guiding Bolt using a level 2 spell slot. He hit Minthara with a Natural 20. In one hit, he took 33 HP off of her. Minthara screamed in fury and pain, the blast penetrating her black armor and searing her left shoulder. She now had a mystical dim light glittering on her armor, providing her next attacker with advantage.
Minthara was beyond furious. She ran 60 feet towards the wall, coming within 60 feet of it. There was a flash of light, an implication that she healed herself. Then, she cast Conjure Animals. She summoned 2 giant spiders near where Kaedyn was above the gate just to the east. Then she seemed to wink out of existence for a moment only to be seen running the rest of the way right up to the gate.
The giant spiders raced over and attacked Kaedyn, teaming up on him. The first failed to bite him with a Critical Miss, but the second flanked him and got advantage, rolling a 21 as its highest roll. It did 10 damage. Kaedyn resisted poison, but the damage was 13, so he still took 6. He was definitely hurting.
Lae’zel saw Minthara, alone, by the gate, and decided to take up the challenge. Doing something no one expected, she drank the last Potion of Speed, used her Githyanki Psionics Jump ability which tripled her jump distance, and she jumped down to land near Minthara. She rolled a 27 for her Athletics roll, landing like a cat without damage right near Minthara, Blooded Greataxe now in hand. Using Action Surge, she took another action and swung, rolling a 17 total to hit as her highest die. Minthara dove out of the way at the last second. She was much harder to hit than Lae’zel had expected. Still, Lae’zel felt the surge of battle within her. She would face this incredible foe in combat, and she would win.
This made Lae’zel every goblin’s primary target. Minthara was now being attacked in melee, and the goblins feared for her life. The Goblin Boss ran 30 feet towards them and fired. He received advantage for flanking Lae’zel, but he received disadvantage for long range. Therefore, he just rolled 1 die. He got a 16 and missed. Being so close to Minthara, he didn’t dare use another Thunder Arrow, so he had only used a poisoned one.
It was now Wynari’s turn, detecting that Minthara was within range to gang up on her, Wynari let the Call Lightning spell go. There was too much of a chance of harming Lae’zel, and Wynari had better plans. Minthara would not escape them, no matter what. So she cast Conjure Animals and summoned 2 brown bears to flank her and hem her in against the gate.
Then the first bear attacked and rolled a 17 and Natural 20. It did 11 damage off of her as a Critical Hit. It attacked with its claws and got a 21, hitting again. This time it did 9 damage. The second bear then hit Minthara with a 21 and did 8 damage. Then it did a final attack and hit with a Natural 20. It did 19 damage to her. But the bears were utterly confused. They could not figure out why their attacks were not taking Minthara down. She was right before them, and yet she seemed very much like nothing more than a ghost.
The reason for this was that Minthara was not actually at the gate. She was still 60 feet from the wall. She had played a devious, little trick on them. She had arranged the maneuver previously with her two goblin booyahgs who were a mere 60 feet behind her. After running 60 feet, Minthara pulled out a spider totem and used it to cast Conjure Animals. Because it was a special magic item, it did not require her concentration. The 2 spiders would exist until they died or for up to 1 hour. Period. She did not have to focus on it.
This allowed her to use Invoke Duplicity as a second action with concentration, and she had used it to project a perfect illusion of herself. She made it appear some 30 feet in front of her, making it seem as if she did Misty Step again, or something similar. Then she used a Bonus action to send her duplicate to the gate another 30 feet beyond.
At the same time, one of the two goblin booyahgs cast Darkness using yet another of Minthara’s magic items so that it engulfed the evil Drow Cleric but not her duplicate. Immediately, even those with darkvision could not detect the real Minthara. They could only see her duplicate. The booyahg had readied her action, waiting for Minthara’s signal which was her casting Conjure Animals. As for the healing spell, the second booyahg used Healing Word on Minthara just before she had been engulfed by magical darkness. The booyahg had healed her 15 HP using a higher level spell slot.
In the darkness of the night, the ruse was perfectly executed. Minthara was completely hidden from sight, and only her duplicate could be seen. The bears might have been confused, but they were dumb animals. They could not even remotely guess the truth, and Lae’zel had missed the duplicate, so she was still thoroughly convinced that she was, in fact, fighting the real Minthara.
But the Booyahgs had only used their reaction from the previous turn to do all that they did. They had readied their actions from the previous turn. Now it was their turn again. Both cast Guiding Bolt. The first hit Bear 1, dealing 10 damage. The second hit Bear 2, dealing 11 damage. The remaining goblins then attacked. They all aimed for the two bears as well, for they recognized that they were easier to kill but very much a threat to their Dark Lady. Both Brown Bears died, stuck with nine arrows between them.
Zevlor then launched Magic Missiles again at Minthara, or rather, who he perceived to be Minthara. This, finally, revealed the truth. The missiles shot right through the duplicate, striking the ground beyond. Horror filled Zevlor’s eyes. “An illusion!” he cried through gritted teeth.
Elegis was about to fire at the duplicate as well, but at the last second she recognized the deception and raised her sights towards one of the goblins. Her aim was way off, for she rolled a 1; a Critical Miss. She had fired before really aiming well, and her arrow sailed way over the goblin’s head. Then the other two Tieflings fired at the Goblin Booyahgs. One hit and the other missed. The one who hit killed the goblin Booyahg with a single shot through the chest. Fortunately for Minthara, this was not the goblin who was maintaining the Darkness spell.
Round 4. Vexir searched the battlefield for Minthara, but she could not find her quickly. Therefore, she fired at the second Booyahg. Too bad it was at a disadvantage because of range. She rolled a 20 and 11 on her dice. She had to go with the 11 for a total of 16. She still hit, but it wasn’t a Critical. She did 7 damage; not enough to kill the Booyahg. She reloaded and fired again. She hit with an 18 and did 4 more damage. This put a bolt right through the goblin’s abdomen. The Booyahg fell to the ground; dead.
The Darkness vanished. The real Minthara appeared. “Son of a…” Vexir nearly cursed, but she stopped short. Minthara was smiling again. Vexir could see her in the dim light of the fading fires. It was as if she had something far more sinister still planned for them. It unnerved the Drow Battlemaster to no end.
Ryth-Shan, however, didn’t hesitate. Hunter’s Mark was on Minthara, and he fired. He rolled an 18. Minthara batted the arrow away with her shield as if she was swatting a fly. He fired a second time. The same result. Minthara seemed hardly concerned.
Gale then staggered out of the cloud of insects only to realize that it had already vanished. When Minthara had used Invoke Duplicity, she could no longer concentrate on her previous spell. Therefore, it had vanished like a wisp of smoke. Gale’s eyes then focused on Minthara. “Allow me to wipe that cocky grin off your wretched face,” he muttered to himself. Then, he cast Lightning Bolt. Minthara resisted. Gale did 24 damage to her, but she only took 12. Minthara lost her concentration from the damage she suffered, rolling only a 1 to maintain it.
Now it was Minthara’s turn. She cast Cure Wounds using a level 4 spell slot, healing herself 4d8+6 HP. She received 21 HP back. Then she did it again and healed another 29 HP. She was almost full health. It was as if they hadn’t even touched her. Finally, she used Shield of Faith to increase her AC by 2. As if all that wasn’t enough, she then ran to the wall off to the west side as opposed to where Lae’zel was at the gate. It wasn’t entirely clear what her next move was going to be.
Lae’zel was furious. She charged and jumped. With her Jump Githyanki Psionics activated, she could jump triple her distance. Thus, she landed near Minthara within attack range. She brought her Blooded Greataxe down with a vengeance. She hit with a 26 and did 13 damage. Minthara lost her concentration, and Shield of Faith was dropped. Lae’zel then tried to hit her again, but she failed to connect with only an 18. Minthara dodged to the side, Lae’zel’s weapon only grazing the evil Drow’s shoulder plating.
Minthara laughed mockingly. “You have the accuracy of a blind gnome, Gith,” she quipped.
“I will END you!” Lae’zel shot back in fury.
“You have no idea who you’re dealing with,” said Minthara in reply. Round 5... Ryth-Shan didn’t care about the goblins. He wanted Minthara’s head. Therefore, he fired at her twice. Since he was flanking her, attacking her from a different angle than Lae’zel was, he got advantage. Still, his first shot missed completely. He aimed better for the second shot and hit with a Critical Hit. The shot was incredible, piercing deep into Minthara’s shoulder. He did 44 damage total. Still, Minthara did not fall.
Minthara was hurting, but she used her last Level 4 spell slot to heal herself. Thus, she healed 25 HP. She cast Shield of Faith again and took a swing at Lae’zel. The Gith dodged effortlessly with a laugh. “Who’s blind now, Drow!” she retorted. Then she countered and missed, slicing air.
Minthara didn’t reply this time. She just smiled as if toying with Lae’zel. This enraged Lae’zel even more, for all she wanted to do was wipe that grin off her enemy’s face. She tried a second swing, but once again she only created wind. She then used her Second Wind to heal 8 HP. Round 6... With the numbers thinned, Vexir decided to take Wynari’s and Lae’zel’s lead. She rushed to the edge and dropped down as she pulled out her Everburn Blade. She failed the roll, rolling only an 11 total. So she suffered 3d6 damage, losing 8 HP. Still, she had enough movement to get back to her feet, and she swung at Minthara with advantage because she was now flanking her.
Vexir rolled a 14 and 19+5=24. She missed, for Minthara’s armor gave her 19 AC alone, for it was Plated Armor + 1. Her shield added +3, taking her to 22. Her Haste spell then added 2 more, taking her AC to 24, and Shield of Faith took her to 26. That meant that, with only a +5 to hit, Vexir had to literally roll a Natural 20 to hit Minthara.
Vexir’s eyes went wide as Minthara deflected her blow effortlessly. She could have sworn the blow would have landed hard. She tried a second swipe, but it had the same result. She rolled 24 as her highest roll. Minthara batted her huge, flaming sword away like it was nothing.
“Her defenses are too strong!” Vexir cried. “I need someone to break her concentration!”
Ryth-Shan heard her and fired. He missed by rolling only a 20 total. His second shot was only 18. Her armor alone deflected his shots. Gale was now free to assist, and he and Will-o’ ran to the edge of the wall. Dragon’s Breath would never reach that far, but Gale could hurl Magic Missiles at the evil cleric. He did 9 damage, but Minthara succeeded in her save by rolling a 20. Gale cursed.
Minthara laughed. “Die! Fools!” she cried, and she attacked Lae’zel. She rolled 19 and hit. She did 8 damage. Lae’zel rolled and resisted Faerie Fire, for Minthara’s mace cast Faerie Fire on anyone it hit automatically. However, since Lae’zel succeeded in her Dex save by rolling a 20, she needed a 15, she avoided the spell’s effects. Minthara actually had Multiattack, and she struck again. This time, she rolled an 18 and missed, her mace bouncing off Lae’zel’s armor. Since she was hasted, she got a third strike, and she swung one last time. She hit Lae’zel with a 22, dealing another 5 points of damage.
Lae’zel was struck upside the head. She flew to the ground, blood oozing from the wound. Because of this, the Goblin Boss turned and fired instead at Wynari. He, however, missed by rolling only 8 to hit. Wynari also registered Vexir’s warning, and she decided to rethink her own strategy. Moonbeam had a better chance of hitting. She cast it, dropping the moon’s light down so that it only fell upon Minthara. She had to be so careful, for Lae’zel was so close, and so was Vexir.
Wynari rolled an 11 for damage. Minthara succeeded in resisting by rolling a 21. She only suffered 5 damage. She rolled again to maintain her concentration and succeeded by rolling an 18. Round 7... Vexir tried again to hit Minthara, but this time she didn’t even get advantage. Lae’zel was down, and no one was flanking the Drow. She swung twice but neither roll was a Natural 20. Minthara caught Vexir’s blade with her mace and shield and held it a moment. “You should have surrendered when you had the chance,” said the wicked Drow with a gleam in her eyes. “Now you’ll die like the rest.”
Then Ryth-Shan scored a Critical Hit and did 44 damage. His arrow shot into Minthara’s skull from above. Blood spewed everywhere, and even the shaft of the arrow vanished inside his foe. It was a kill shot for sure. He screamed with delight, for he believed wholeheartedly that Minthara was dead.
But Minthara had activated Survival Instinct, the same Illithid Power that Shadowheart and Kaedyn had. If her HP reached 0, she would be restored 3d4 HP instead of falling. So instead of dying, black tendrils shot out of her skull, shoving the arrow back out. They mended her injuries, engulfing her in black, inky darkness for a moment. She rolled a 20 and lost her concentration (for she needed 22 to not lose concentration since that is half of 44 damage), but she was still very much alive.
Ryth-Shan was pissed and fired a second time. He was determined to save Lae’zel and avenge her at the same time. He still got advantage, because Vexir was flanking her, so he rolled a 12 and 25 for his attack rolls. All because Minthara lost her concentration, Ryth-Shan hit. This time, he did 21 damage with his Psionic Longbow and Hunter’s Mark. Ryth-Shan’s arrow struck Minthara in the chest, right in the heart.
Minthara staggered, her eyes widening in disbelief and fear. It couldn’t be happening. She couldn’t be dying. She was so sure that she would defeat them. She had been so confident in her faith in the Absolute and in her own abilities. All those years she had fought to prove herself. Wasted in a moment. A single, well-placed shot followed by a second, and Minthara Baenre was no more.
She fell to her knees, clutching her mortal wound. Staring up at Vexir, she shook violently as her vision began to darken; that wicked darkness that no vision could penetrate. The last thing she saw was Vexir’s strong, stoic expression. There was no pity there in Vexir’s eyes. There was no sorrow. There was only disgust and disapproval. It was the same disapproval she had witnessed so many times in her life… in the Underdark… from her own people. The Absolute had promised her that she would rise above such failings. She would finally prove that she was, in fact, someone worthy of honor and praise.
In the end, it was merely empty promises...
Minthara fell into impenetrable darkness. Fear clutched her soul; fear and damnation. Her soul was dragged to the Hells, and there she suffered far more torment than she had ever administered to anyone in her life. For every pain she had ever inflicted, she endured it all at the same time… forever… There would never be salvation for her, for she had chosen to reject good and embrace evil. Such was the fate of all who lived their lives in such a manner. Now... THAT is a wicked, evil drow Cleric of the Absolute. In her black plated armor + 1 with shield + 1 and her magic mace that causes Faerie Fire, she is a formidable boss bad guy using Drow Priestess stats. The fight was incredible and tons of fun to play out. I don't care if Minthara has short hair. Change her overall look and make her tougher and keep the current voice actress, and even add a few more lines for that voice actress to make her even more awesome, and Minthara will quickly become one of THE most memorable enemies of the entire game. She already is for me, but only BECAUSE we made her better in our Tabletop session. Currently, in BG3 right now, I played this same battle. Here was the result: Minthara, two spiders, two ogres, bugbear, and like twenty goblins versus my 4 party members, Zevlor, Elegis and like a few others. I blew up some barrels, killed lots of goblins and ogres and spiders. Minthara and a Bugbear were all that remained. I ran up to them, finished the Bugbear, and killed Minthara in a couple of rounds. She had no chance at all and died without much of a fight at all. Not a single one of my characters fell or was injured too badly at all. I lost an NPC to a Sword Spider, but that was only due to a game glitch. For some reason, my spell did something janky and blew nothing up. The Sword Spider was low on health. If I'd hit the spider like I should have, it would have died and the NPC wouldn't have. So, in my playthrough of the video game, this same fight was super easy, Minthara was a weakling and died a baby cleric's death.
Last edited by GM4Him; 24/08/21 06:39 PM.
Joined: Aug 2021
As someone who doesn't own the game, but is ravenously consuming BG3 content on youtube, I only recently saw the change and wanted to say I prefer the old look. I did mistake Minthara for a male when I first saw her new look. To me, the old hair conveys that Minthara is driven yet cunning. The unkempt hair combined with her co-operation with goblins, shows she isn't concerned with prettying herself and is more focused on achieving her goals. This hair covers the sides and the back of her head, which gives the impression that she's hiding more of herself. The 5th patch hair makes Minthara look more aggressive and straightforwardly evil, because it is shorter and sharper. I was looking at both pictures while playing through her voice lines, and I think her voice matches better with the new short hair. However, combined they make her seem so comically over-the-top evil that I could actually imagine her wearing a 40k commisar uniform. If you pair her voice with her old hair, I think the player will be surprised with the contrast between the softer look of her hair and her ruthless voice lines, which could emphasise her deceptiveness. This contrast might also tempt more people into romance because of "gap moe". That said, I haven't seen any videos that showcase her cunning, apart from the romance. I also noticed some people who enjoy her new hairstyle more, and I think if any female character were to wear short hair, a drow is a good candidate. Alternatively, you could give it to a female fighter, with examples like Casca from Berserk or Cassandra from Dragon Age: Inquisition. There's just something about Minthara's current look doesn't sit well with me, maybe remove her bangs or something?
Joined: Aug 2021
If you people of the 'Minthara fanclub' would really be into her as a character, you wouldn't care about her appearance. If you say so; I guess; we only had her with the same hairstyle, makeup and female ringmail variation for about 9 months. Video games are very visual experiences and eventually through gameplay; players start to associate characters with the voice actors; and I personally can hardly imagine a serious fighting woman caking her face with bright silver eyeshadow and going to war; it seems ridiculous to me. We care about her appearance because we are "into her" not the other around.
Joined: Feb 2021
What do you think of this appearance? ![[Linked Image from 1.bp.blogspot.com]](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LbcWs_J8Unw/YSXFMxMjJeI/AAAAAAAABqc/dYI3zK6bqEAdyfr0A7LDBK03wWfHN0RLgCLcBGAsYHQ/w508-h505/Minthara.png) Armor alone can make all the difference. Well, I still think the eye makeup needs to go, so that there is more darkness around her eyes and all to make her more evil looking, but the armor makes a huge difference.
Last edited by GM4Him; 25/08/21 04:29 AM.
Joined: Aug 2021
What do you think of this appearance? ![[Linked Image from 1.bp.blogspot.com]](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LbcWs_J8Unw/YSXFMxMjJeI/AAAAAAAABqc/dYI3zK6bqEAdyfr0A7LDBK03wWfHN0RLgCLcBGAsYHQ/w508-h505/Minthara.png) Armor alone can make all the difference. Well, I still think the eye makeup needs to go, so that there is more darkness around her eyes and all to make her more evil looking, but the armor makes a huge difference. I like that armor and I think the color scheme is the best for Drow; dark colors work really well; the armor in the picture looks male though. If she has the female variation and a face wash; she'll look good in my opinion ![[Linked Image from i.redd.it]](https://i.redd.it/lppaj8y2aus51.jpg)
Last edited by Tara Grimface; 25/08/21 04:34 AM.