Originally Posted by Avallonkao
Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
[quote=Terminator2020] Just because it has nothing to do with D&D doesn't really mean anything as far as quality is concerned..

But from many complaints on this thread isn't this one of the most said things about BG3? because it seems they've made or still are making changes and ppl are complaining? Wouldn't it also apply to BG3 as well? I may have understood it wrongly, if so, just ignore it. But still, I'd say to wait until BG3 is actually out, or at very least finished the EA to compare both games? or with any other game actually. At the current state, how can one say that BG3 or WOTR is better? It will only be based on personal tastes and NOT facts.

I fully agree that this applies to BG3. I just also think that a number of the things that Larian has added to BG3 from outside D&D has been to the game's detriment because the additions don't, in my opinion, mesh well with D&D as a system. This results in a system that feels as though it's fighting against itself. I think some changes, like what Larian has done with the Ranger class and the addition of Seladrine Drow as a subclass, actually work quite well.

As for comparing the two, I feel that the fact Larian has an open Early Access going makes comparisons, even in the current unfinished state, acceptable. Though yeah, holding off on definitive opinions is probably wise.