Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Abits
It still won't fix the problem. The fact that you can talk to any NPC in the game with every character in your party but the game will treat everyone exactly the same.
That's just a case of unrealistic expectations, frankly.
The game already accounts for an insane amount of permutations. Expecting entirely unique dialogues for any possible character would be insanity. They'll have to wrap it up at some point.

The issue highlighted in this thread is a different one, in any case, and that's the game not DEFAULTING to your created character as the protagonist when a dialogue is started automatically.
I never expected the game to do it. I just pointed it out as a problem. And the reason no other games of this kind do it is exactly what you said. I think the solution to the problem the op raised (defaulting to the MC) should be the same in the case I mentioned though.

Last edited by Abits; 18/08/21 05:28 PM.

Larian's Biggest Oversight, what to do about it, and My personal review of BG3 EA
"74.85% of you stood with the Tieflings, and 25.15% of you sided with Minthara. Good outweighs evil, it seems."