Originally Posted by Silent_Clang
Right. It used to be that you could talk to all of them about it. After patch 5, when the first dream happens only Gale has something to say about it now. The others act as if nothing happened. After the second dream only that shadowheart has dialogue. Anyway, I dislike it too as I couldn't care less about shadowheart's opinion on, well... anything. I'm tempted to replay with just one companion, see if that forces their dialogue out if neither Gale or shadowheart is recruited.

If this is intended, then I'd say it's a big move in the wrong direction. We already miss out on so much companion input in NPC conversations, because usually only one of them gets to say anything. It seemingly picks at random and overrides the rest. I hate that it tempts me to reload to hear from my favorite companion instead of one of the party members I don't like as much.

It's now based on higher approval from companions. Since I basically hate/dislike all companions except for Shadowheart I'm doing a run with only her recruited and yes it works, all dreams and some dialogues are now only her dialogues/reactions as expected.

Last edited by Avallonkao; 18/08/21 09:02 PM.