Originally Posted by timebean
Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
People really trying to compare The Witcher 3 with BG3 or WoTr?!?...LOL. I guess in 2021 RPGs are just...whatever...Why not just compare it to Madden while your at it? Its 3D, has stats...
The Witcher 3 is a real-time diablo'esq ACTION game (click, to attack!, move, click, attack) at its base surrounded by RPG elements and cinematics. I mean, it actually plays BETTER with a controller...that already tells a lot. Thats why so many people loved it. Dont need to think too much, super accessible for an <<RPG>>.
However good the production value and story and MUSIC... I hated the stiff repetitive gameplay and controls.

Nailed it.

I also enjoyed TW3, but it is not a true RPG imho. It is a story-driven action game with a choice and consequence system. I get tomatoes thrown at me online all the time for saying that…despite having played over 1000 hrs on the damned game. But folks will call it an RPG till they are blue in the face.

Solasta, PWoR, and BG3 are all rpgs. And are DnD based rpgs to boot. Thus…I enjoy reading the comparison discussions, personally.

(when they are well-constructed and informed arguments, I mean)

What I praised Witcher 3 for was:
A. Graphics. Granted a bit demanding at original release date, but nowadays most PC users have enough good hardware. Well and this is not FPS (first person shooter game) so you do not need freaking 120-200 FPS.
B. Adult content.
Witcher 3 combat I guess you either like it or not that simple.
15 best roelplaying games aarticle from JUNE 2021
If you google best roleplaying games or even if you google best fantasy roleplaying games you will find Witcher 3 among them.

and this writtenJune 2021 and not 15 years ago.
Intesting I can not see lol Solasta or Pathfinder 1 among them. Pathfinder 2 is not among them but it could be since not yet released.

Last edited by Terminator2020; 19/08/21 01:35 AM.