Yes, I know. However, I do not rely on google (or game journalists) to tell me what is or is not an RPG. I have my own mind and standards.

I loved TW3, but do not consider it an RPG. I also loved Bioshock, and do not consider it an RPG. By the logic of many people, who define an RPG as playing a role and making choices, Mario on my old Nintendo was an RPG. GTA is an RPG. Donkey Kong is an RPG.

Sorry…I disagree.

Skyrim was an RPG. DAO was an RPG. BG1, BG2, BG3, Solasta, Tyranny, DiscoE, PWotR, DOS, POE…all RPGs. Etc ad nauseum.

Last edited by timebean; 19/08/21 01:32 AM.