I have actually not had the opportunity to actually play PF:WotR yet, but I have been stalking it through other players (thanks, Saito for getting me started laugh ), and I been doing my homework regarding it.

Imma just make a short list of the most important aspects (imo) to keep the post semi-clean:

Combat: I actually enjoy Larian's "somewhat" flawed TB combat more than the RTwP (with TB option) of PF. DOS2 brought me into CRPGs and with my TB-heavy background - the style of DoS2 combat always felt easier for me than RTwP (although, I've gotten much better than I was 8 months ago laugh ). From what I've seen (however, I cannot say with 100% certainty until I've actually played the game), WotR seems to easily be as "cluster-forky" as PF:KM in terms of combat. ... And I do hope they skip the legendary difficulty scaling that I've heard regarding PF:KM's release. x] Either way - I hardly play either game for the combat mechanics, so as far as they are both "acceptable" in terms of combat, I'll endure. :]

Story: One of the things I liked less about PF:KM was that you *had* to embark on a quest to become a ruler (and hence "king maker"). I struggle with this perspective unless I am going the full evil route (which I usually do on my second playthrough). WotR's story is easier for me to "adapt" my character into - but similarly to many other "power focused" cRPGs (such as DA:I), I struggle a bit with the entire thing about "being the chosen one." Opposing a lot of people in these forums, my base character is based off my TT character and hence not "made" for being the solo leader of the group. :] Roleplayers will probably understand what I mean, even if I feel like I explained it poorly laugh Bear with me, I have not had enough sleep due to being sick. ANYWAYS, as for the story in it's core - I do not know the entire WotR story nor the entire BG3 story yet, so I cannot say anything definite here either. c:

Choices and Consequences: Now this is something that PF:KM already blew me away in during the very first "introduction." Owlcat handle choice and consequence very, very, very well. Unsurprisingly, Owlcat seems to have pushed themselves even harder and from all I've seen, I've been positively surprised. It is difficult to not stay immersed in WotR when the entire world seems to react to your actions. BG3 has thus far not impressed me regarding choices and consequences, but I am willing to give Larian benefit of the doubt that this is more of a EA-issue and bug-related issue. ... ... ... However, the legendary issues of DoS2 in the subject does make me slightly nervous...

Companions: I am a sucker for companions, and for me - they are a HUGE part of the game. Equally huge to my co-players in the TT version. Good wriiting, character development and the feeling of actually bonding as a group is EXTREMELY important to me. Now, I actually never had much of a issue with the personality of our companions in BG3 - in fact, I thought they all reacted rather reasonably considering their position. And I do know that Larian know how to write good character development from "harsh" characters (Sebille <3), so I am rather certain that our companions in BG3 have a lot more to them than what we'll see in EA. HOWEVER - WotR has blown me away in the way that they handled companions. I thought PF:KM did a pretty neat job with companions, but everything about WotR companions just makes me feel joyous. The way that they managed to weave evil-aligned companions to match a good-aligned party AND LET IT MAKE SENSE has just surpassed all expectations I had. WotR companion dialogues are absolutely amazing to read and I am not bothered one bit by not everything being voiced as it is written so damn well that you can HEAR the character's voices in your head as you read the dialogue. I had the same experience in PF:KM (to the point where I actually forgot they were not voiced until it was pointed out to me), but it seems to be EVEN more so in WotR.

Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian