Joined: Oct 2020
You mean you SHOULDN’T be able to one shot her in the chasm by shooting out the support?! +1 agree. Not for a boss/mini-boss.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2020
I thought I've posted in this thread already. Apparently not.
Things I'd consider mandatory at this point:
- 1 additional companion. Our current companions are starting to feel rather old at this point, and I would actually be worried if we were to go seemingly a full year without a new one being introduced, because it will start to give off the impression that the later companions may be nowhere near as developed as the initial 5. - 1 additional class. Same reasoning as the above.
I'd be thrilled if reactions and ready actions and stuff get implemented too, but I'd probably not expect them to be fully implemented until patch 7.
Joined: Oct 2020
You mean you SHOULDN’T be able to one shot her in the chasm by shooting out the support?!
+1 agree. Not for a boss/mini-boss. I believe you cannot anymore ... But maybe i just aimed poorly. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2020
You mean you SHOULDN’T be able to one shot her in the chasm by shooting out the support?!
+1 agree. Not for a boss/mini-boss. I believe you cannot anymore ... But maybe i just aimed poorly.  I just did it last night. I was streaming so the VOD is on YouTube (TTVCarlosSpicyWinner).
Joined: Apr 2020
1. A revamped Reaction System. I'd prefer popups, but if Larian is dead set against that; being able to set conditions for a Reaction Toggle to go off, and set a priority order would be better than nothing. 2. The Shield spell. The Abjurer needs some spells to recharge their Arcane Ward. Mage Armor lasts all day and Protection From Good or Evil is very circumstantial. 3. The School of Enchantment Wizard subclass. That way we have 3 of the 4 Wizard playstyles represented, Blasting- Gish- Battlefield Control (my personal favorite). 4. The Paladin class, with at least Oaths of Devotion and Vengeance. And Karlach as a companion. 5. Ritual Casting. 6. Dodge and the Ready Action. 7. Gnome as a playable Race. 8. Other new spells. Absorb Elements, Spiritual Weapon, Tasha's Hideous Laughter as a Wizard Spell (as it is in 5e). The Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade Cantrips. This will make playing an Eldritch Knight worth it. 9. A real Z Axis. The camera is annoying at best. And why can't I jump up? You want Verticality to be a major part of the game, then this is a must have. Though it could wait till a later patch. 10. Fix Inventory Management. 11. Versatile Spears, Quarterstaffs, and Tridents. I don't get this oversight, ever heard of Spartans? 12. More Battlemaster Maneuvers. 13. Pact of the Blade and Pact of the Tomb. This will give Warlocks some variety.
And of course it would be nice to see level 5!
Last edited by Merlex; 17/08/21 11:04 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
My wishlist:
- revamped reactions - ritual casting - ready action - dodge - please extend/adjust mage hand's capabilities to be more like its tabletop (utility) version
I'm optimistic after patch 5, it brought great changes.
Joined: Apr 2020
My wishlist:
- revamped reactions - ritual casting - ready action - dodge - please extend/adjust mage hand's capabilities to be more like its tabletop (utility) version
I'm optimistic after patch 5, it brought great changes. Doh! I knew I forgot something Ritual Casting, Dodge and the Ready Action. Ok fixed now.
Last edited by Merlex; 17/08/21 11:05 PM.
Joined: Aug 2021
I hope to see my fps stable again. thank you.
Joined: Jan 2014
"I would love to see advantage from high ground be replaced with "Combat Advantage" from 4e (a +2 to hit)."
I don't believe getting advantage from high ground is a core rule of 5e and it does feel slightly overpowered. However, on the flip side, I'm not against having disadvantage for having to shoot a ranged weapon at a foe who is significantly higher or in partial cover. The issue with partial/full cover however is I imagine that would be very difficult to code.
"I want disadvantage from low ground removed and for a Dodge action and free-action Prone to be added to the game."
While I disagree with the former, I love the idea of having a dodge action added as a full action and likewise having a free-action Prone added.
"True Reactions and better implementation of 5e's ruleset. (Patch 5 and PfH3 have me pumped to see what's coming for reactions in the future)."
Some may complain about "pacing" if you add in a reaction system similar to Solasta (with dialogue like windows popping up to ask if you would like to take the reaction), I believe this would bring more of the core dnd5e rules into play and allow for tactical use of reactions, especially based on the context of possibly able to take numerous different reactions types (e.g. Rogues Uncanny Dodge vs Opportunity Attack).
"In the same spirit as losing advantage from height (or maybe modifying it somehow?), would be nice for hide to become an action instead of a bonus action (except for rogues with cunning action :))."
I believe in the core dnd5e rules, hiding is an action where as rogues are able to use their cunning action to hide (giving rogues the distinct stealth advantage over other classes that are also stealthy such as rangers).
"Playable character Karlach." and "Halsin made a companion!"
If these two would be possible to recruit as companions, this would be phenomenal and hopefully be possible without adding too much intensive work for the developers!
"Speak with Animals not cost a spell slot"
I have to disagree with this one unless it's specific to ranger or druid and even then only either once (or however many times in core dnd5e rules) per short or long rest to promote balance.
"-include camp storage in camp supply for resting"
Great idea. Also significantly lowering the amounts of food, potions, magic items and more. From my personal experience with Dnd5e as well as the previous BG games, while magical items were plentiful, it was great that in the first few levels it was difficult and unlikely to acquire many magical items.
"-adjust times for saving throws against spells etc., some are rolled at the beginning of the enemy turn when they should be at the end, makes some spells almost useless"
Love it.
"The team increased from four to six members."
Simply not needed. Yes a large party can be fun but it's also largely unnecessary.
"the full death of barrelmancy. they're slowly killing it atm but the quicker they just put it down completely the better."
With the exception of the nautiloid tanks in the tutorial section, I think this would be great barring a few sections where and when it would be contextually logical for these barrels to be found. While there are no core 5e rules for things such as grease and fire reacting, these are, personally, logical and brilliant as long as they don't become the go to for "damage".
"Detect magic and identify so that I actually have to do something to learn how magic items work, instead of just finding something and instantly knowing it's magical and exactly what it does. And the ability to ready actions.- Remove the wizard class ability to learn every spell to the spellbook Fix "Can't reach" One-size-fits all... I understand it, really I do, but the halfling taking the chainmail vest off the hill giant and - it fits perfectly... That sort of thing could be done better, perhaps Shove as an action, not a bonus action. Day and Night cycle to give more feeling of life to the game. As someone that rarely ever rests (I like maintaining as realistic a feel as possible with short and long rests), it would be great for the day night cycle to exist and not simply be “Oh, you’ve been awake for 5 days straight without resting but it never gets dark until you want to set up Camp. Convenient!” 2. The Shield spell. The Abjurer needs some spells to recharge their Arcane Ward. Mage Armor lasts all day and Protection From Good or Evil is very circumstantial. 11. Versatile Spears, Quarterstaffs, and Tridents. I don't get this oversight, ever heard of Spartans? 5. Ritual Casting."
Long post!
Last edited by tetsuoinfernal07; 18/08/21 02:01 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Aug 2021
- DLSS support. - Resolution scale, rather than just adjusting the resolution. This allows us to get sharp text and UI displays on a high resolution monitor, while being able to reduce the graphics rendering load for a smooth gaming experience.
Joined: Aug 2021
Ok, I want to see more scenes with the female companions, not those normal dialogues scenes that we start, but actual scenes. Gale has the weave, and then a few more scenes to increase the feeling of the romantic path, Astarion has a lot, I got even bored with almost every long rest he had one waiting (and I was on his medium to neutral approval ffs). Wyll has a few as well. Lae'zel I don't think she ever had an actual with me tbh, and Shadowheart Only has one scene that is hidden and only accessible if you get a very specific long rest immediately after learning about the goblin Gult. So, please, show the girls some love. Thank you.
The scenes I'm talking about are the ones that once you get a long rest you'll see a quest mark on the companion's head because they have something to talk to you, which will lead to a nice scene and all.
Joined: Feb 2021
Things I'd consider mandatory at this point:
+ 1 additional companion. Our current companions are starting to feel rather old at this point, and I would actually be worried if we were to go seemingly a full year without a new one being introduced, because it will start to give off the impression that the later companions may be nowhere near as developed as the initial 5. + 1 additional class. Same reasoning as the above. If the scenario is even remotely similar to Divinity Original Sin 2, than I fear that this just might be it. :-| But as you suggested there could come more in the future. I see favoured clichees used here in the opening/intro/tutorial of the game. - * We are transported into the game by a vehicle, some sort of ship most often
* Or we flee together from the people who held us prisoner beforehand * During this acts we meet most if not all of our future compagnions * Only they have detailed, stylized storys written by the developers - on "maincharacter" level
Every other compagnion that might join the party way later is utmost temporarily! Situationary and or like some sort of "Sellsword" and horribly shallow in depth compared to the rest. But mainly I think biased probably due to Divinity Original Sin 2. Where all the important characters were around you right from the start. Anyways some forum users here already made their less obvious love targets known; And asked for Kahga & Halsin to be added as possible interests. I bet LarianStudios never intended for it before reading this!  And the "fated compagnions" are the most horrible choices for me personally. As an irl man I am bound to check out the female characters. And what do I see? ^_^ * A bitter edgy sass knows it alland * a primitive, coldhearted & smug Barbarian*sigh*  Yeah~ its another "Sebille situation". ^_^ That are the kind of people you only endure because they might get useful in a battle.
Last edited by KeinSklave; 19/08/21 12:37 AM.
![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/wNnctAH.jpg) <- *click*
Joined: Aug 2021
Kahga as romance interest? Well, that's... ppl have all kinds of tastes it seems XD but that's the first time I read about it. As for Halsin, ppl are already making a fuss about it. But he at least would be a nice addition since those who choose the evil path have Minthara, some who follow the good path could very well get the bear.
I still would Like Alfira, because she's the nicest female character this game has shown so far in my opinion.
Joined: Aug 2021
pls enable the duergar tag i really like duergar.
Joined: Oct 2020
Very important system changes: - Reactions - Ritual casting - Ready an action - "Special"-Actions done right (things like sneak attack, smite and some BM maneuvers)
Nice improvements: - Improve the push action (let me choose push prone not push away) - Grappling - a better combat log (at least as an option): i think its annoying to have to hover over spell names and attacks to see my dice throws
Personal wish list: - Xanathar and Tasha content being affirmed and some things also maybe included (like tashas custom lineages) - Aasimar - Hexblade, Forge Cleric
What I don't want: more story. I wanna test the EA to help make the game better, but I still wanna enjoy the full release without having played half the story already.
I also get that people want to play new classes, but I dont understand the worries that classes would be hard to implement. Some modders already done great work with that with limited ressources. As long as the 5e *systems* are implemented right I have no worries about classes down the line.
Joined: Jul 2021
- Less need for jumping around (Not gonna happen) - Backstab to return (but in a more reasonable way.) - 1 more class, or 1 more follower to explore. - A new zone maybe?
Joined: Feb 2021
Kahga as romance interest? Well, that's... ppl have all kinds of tastes it seems XD but that's the first time I read about it. As for Halsin, ppl are already making a fuss about it. But he at least would be a nice addition since those who choose the evil path have Minthara, some who follow the good path could very well get the bear.
I still would Like Alfira, because she's the nicest female character this game has shown so far in my opinion. HAHA~ yeah thought the same with Kahga. She is embodying a lot of things that just repell me. But she has what many people of certain fantasy game circles seek! For Kahga is... well - an Elf. ^_^ Pointy ears + booba = some just want to idolize her. I guess we all do to certain extends. Even I. Pretty racist of course  to want someone to be seen as good just because they are of a certain folk. Surprised me though since Kahga does not show anything likeable for the longest of times. ONLY BY SHEER COINCIDENCE and because the dice-gods did to me what they do, I actually saw the stuff happening during the victory night with the Tieflings. But before I spoiler, ehem. I could not safe the Girl at the entry to the camps centered cave and later on her parents poisoned Kahga. And she was just laying there dying and I actually had the option to neutralize the poison and did it.
My plan was to do it only so that I could beat the living sh°° out of her in a fight, since I wanted to kill her by myself in a 'last direct encounter'.
AND THEN! WHAT HAPPENS?! (LoL) SHE ACTUALLY IS SORRY and see's the errors of her ways and becomes relatable all of a sudden!!! In the last encounter, at the last second, before I wanted to slice her in half, she shows emotions & remorse and thanks me for showing me that compassion still exists and stuff.  °hides sword behind my back° " Oh o~h y-yeah, t-that was my plan all along Elven Lady! I am a gigantic ball fluffy ball of love & forgiveness. Thanks that you finally came around, ehe he he! "
Gods that was awkward. xD ♥ And Alfina yeah. She is so huggable. ♥
Last edited by KeinSklave; 19/08/21 01:31 PM.
![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/wNnctAH.jpg) <- *click*
Joined: Aug 2021
Kahga as romance interest? Well, that's... ppl have all kinds of tastes it seems XD but that's the first time I read about it. As for Halsin, ppl are already making a fuss about it. But he at least would be a nice addition since those who choose the evil path have Minthara, some who follow the good path could very well get the bear.
I still would Like Alfira, because she's the nicest female character this game has shown so far in my opinion. HAHA~ yeah thought the same with Kahga. She is embodying a lot of things that just repell me. But she has what many people of certain fantasy game circles seek! For Kahga is... well - an Elf. ^_^ Pointy ears + booba = some just want to idolize her. I guess we all do to certain extends. Even I. Pretty racist of course  to want someone to be seen as good just because they are of a certain folk. Surprised me though since Kahga does not show anything likeable for the longest of times. ONLY BY SHEER COINCIDENCE and because the dice-gods did to me what they do, I actually saw the stuff happening during the victory night with the Tieflings. But before I spoiler, ehem. I could not safe the Girl at the entry to the camps centered cave and later on her parents poisoned Kahga. And she was just laying there dying and I actually had the option to neutralize the poison and did it.
My plan was to do it only so that I could beat the living sh°° out of her in a fight, since I wanted to kill her by myself in a 'last direct encounter'.
AND THEN! WHAT HAPPENS?! (LoL) SHE ACTUALLY IS SORRY and see's the errors of her ways and becomes relatable all of a sudden!!! In the last encounter, at the last second, before I wanted to slice her in half, she shows emotions & remorse and thanks me for showing me that compassion still exists and stuff.  °hides sword behind my back° " Oh o~h y-yeah, t-that was my plan all along Elven Lady! I am a gigantic ball fluffy ball of love & forgiveness. Thanks that you finally came around, ehe he he! "
Gods that was awkward. xD ♥ And Alfina yeah. She is so huggable. ♥ Wow, that bit about Kahga is new to me. Since I never failed to save the girl, at least until now it's the only thing the dices still didn't fail me. This game really has so much stuff I didn't see or probably never will, makes me wonder what more will have when it's complete. wow. As for the Elven+Booba, haha, I love elves too, but no, I still don't I like her at all, she is just... so ugly. She, Minthara are the complete opposite of what I'd expect of an attractive elf/drow, just my personal opinion, ofc. And yes, I want to Cuddle Alfira and keep her safe from all evil.
Last edited by Avallonkao; 19/08/21 02:26 PM.
Joined: Jul 2021
- [Character creation] Possibility to create his own party of 4 characters in single player mode without using the multiplayer trick which does not work anymore anyway. Multiplayer trick still works! I just did it the other day